Tuesday, January 26, 2021

WL Council Highlights - Jan 26th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb and Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll and Smith (via teleconference) 

Meeting called to order -- 6:01pm

Resolved -- 

That members of the public are not permitted to physically attend the January 26, 2021 Council meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the December 2nd Gathering and Events Public Health Officer Order. As per Ministerial Order No. M192 from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and, for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of the Community Charter, the meeting is not to be considered closed to the public and will be livestreamed on the City’s YouTube Channel to ensure openness and transparency.


Meeting Agenda adopted with 2 Late Items

Minutes from the Special Meeting of Council held December 8, 2020, the Special Closed (In-Camera) Meeting of Council held January 12, 2021 and the Regular Meeting of Council held January 12, 2021 were all received/adopted

Delegations/Presentations - None


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and Electronic Funds Transfer listings dated December 31, 2020, and January 8, 14 and 15, 2021

2) Council directed award the Williams Lake Enhancement Plan and River Valley Boardwalk Design project to TRUE Consulting Ltd and that an additional $30,000 be allocated to the existing budget from General Revenue towards this project

3) Council awarded the contract for the supply of unleaded gasoline and diesel to Suncor Energy/Petro-Canada for the tendered price of $1.069 per litre of unleaded gasoline and $1.1002 per litre of diesel.

4) Council approved the development of concurrent Licensed and Unlicensed Summer Camp programs for the 2021 season, including an subsidy through the Affordable Recreation Card (ARC) program through the Central Cariboo Recreation Function (CRD), to be reviewed in fall 2021

5) Council adopted Zoning Amendment Application - Bylaw No. 2309 (4775 Cattle Dr)

6) Council endorsed Committee of the Whole recommendations, as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #01-2021 and the report of the Economic Development Officer dated January 8, 2021, Council endorse the concept of establishing a Williams Lake community foundation; and further, that staff be directed to provide a report on details and costs of implementing a Foundation.

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #03-2021 and the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated January 15, 2021, Council approve a one-year Fee for Service Agreement for 2021 with the Williams Lake Community Policing Committee with an annual City contribution of $15,000, subject to the Society providing a business plan and monthly activity reporting acceptable to the Society/City

7) At the request of the Census Management Office for Statistics Canada, Council agreed to support the 2021 Census and encourages all City of Williams Lake residents to complete their census questionnaires online at www.census.gc.ca by providing accurate and complete census data to support programs and services that benefit our community.

8) Council received a letter from the Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy (CCPL) requesting support for their proposal to construct a permanent StoryWalk in Williams Lake be received and City Staff were directed to work with the CCPL on options for Council's consideration for moving the project forward

9) Council received, for public information, the following In-Camera Resolution from the January 12th, 2021 Special Closed (In-Camera) Williams Lake City Council meeting, as follows:

"That Council direct staff to terminate the Waterfront Enhancement Plan and Boardwalk Design Study contract with ISL Engineering and Land Service Ltd., and this decision be brought forward to the January 26, 2021 Regular Council Meeting"

10) Late Item #1 -- Council agreed to waive Purchasing Policy No. 138 and sole-source and award Phase 2 of the Airport Terminal Upgrade project to OT Timber Frames Ltd. in the amount of $158,000.00 and that early budget approval for 2021 be approved

11) Late Item #2 -- Council approved a fully funded Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) - COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS) application for the establishment of the trail between the RC Cotton Trail and the River Valley Recreation Trail through a boardwalk along the Williams Creek area; and further, that $50,000 be allocated from the COVID-19 Safe Restart Funds towards this project

11) Council received the Council Information Package as of Jan 26th, 2021, as follows:

 January 4, 2021 - MLA Oakes re BC Hydro Streetlighting Rate Increase / Termination of Private Outdoor Lighting Service; 

 January 11, 2021 - City of North Vancouver re Implementing Province-Wide Ban on Anticoagulant Rodenticides; 
 January 11, 2021 - District of Clearwater re BC Hydro Streetlighting Increase / Termination of Private Light Systems; 
 January 12, 2021 - Letter from MP Peter Julian re Support for Bill C-213 'The Canada Pharmacare Act'; 
 January 13, 2021 - Thank You Letter from Williams Lake Alliance Church for Council's Support for Resumption of Faith-Based Meetings and Services; 
 January 15, 2021 - CRD Board Highlights; 
 January 18, 2021 - Letter from John Pickford re Council's decision dated January 12, 2021 to support the resumption of faith-based meetings and services; 
 January 18, 2021 - Thompson Regional Hospital District (TRHD) MLA's Letter to Premier Horgan Requesting Update on Kamloops Cancer Care Centre; 
 January 19, 2021 - CCACS re Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Grants Awarded; and 
 January 19, 2021 - City of Vernon re BC Hydro's 2020 Streetlighting Rate Application

Mayor Cobb provided a COVID-19 Community Update

Mayor/Councillors provided oral reports on their recent activities... 

Council agreed to adjourn at 7:13pm

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