Friday, February 12, 2021

New pilot program supports small and new farmers in B.C.

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Successful applicants of the new Small Farm Business Acceleration Pilot Program are receiving funding for farm infrastructure and equipment to help them grow their farm businesses and support local food supply and rural economies.

“Farmers are vital to the local food economy throughout the province,” said the Hon. Lana Popham, BC's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. “Through this funding, these new and small farmers will be able to take their farming business to the next level while helping them on the path to economic recovery.”

This one-year pilot program is supporting 64 small and new farmers with diverse farm businesses throughout the province. This funding will strengthen a variety of farm growth projects to help enhance crop and livestock productivity, increase sales and diversify market channels. Buying infrastructure and equipment, like greenhouses, will support rural economic development and contribute to local food production. 

Old Ochiltree Ranch in 150 Mile House is a 40.5-hectare (100-acre) property over 100 years old. The ranch has a small market garden, sheep and an apiary for honey. The property is certified organic, with grazing, fruit and vegetable production. To help increase the ranch’s production and extend the duration of the growing season, the funding will be used to purchase and install a geothermal greenhouse.

“This is a huge opportunity to increase the profitably of our farming business, by helping to mitigate unco-operative weather, extending the season and diversifying our production,” said Gord and Megan Flatt, owners, Old Ochiltree Ranch. “We are so grateful and excited!”  

This announcement is part of B.C.’s $10-billion COVID-19 response, which includes StrongerBC: BC's Economic Recovery Plan that protects people’s health and livelihoods while supporting businesses and communities.

Quick Facts:

  • The 64 successful applicants represent a diverse group of new and small farmers from 54 different communities in seven regions of the province.
    • These include seven Indigenous-owned and operated agricultural businesses; and
    • 19 new farmers under the age of 35 that include 13 female entrepreneurs.
  • The approved applications include:
    • 11 applicants focusing on livestock production;
    • 47 focusing on crop production; and
    • six focusing on greenhouses, nursery and floriculture production.
  • A small farm is defined as one with a total annual gross revenue of less than $60,000 in the last two years. The program will cover 50% to 75% of total approved project costs to a maximum of $17,500 for individual farm businesses.

Learn More:

COVID-19 recovery programs to support farmers:

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