Thursday, February 18, 2021

Outdoor Skating Rink Available at Scout Island

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake will be clearing an area on the lake at Scout Island to make it available for the public to enjoy for ice skating. 


“With the pandemic continuing, people need more opportunities to get outside and stay healthy during the long winter months,” said Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “We encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to get some fresh air and skate away the winter blues.”


The initial clearing will take place on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at the beach area, and shovels will be made available for users to clear as needed. The City will be monitoring ice thickness daily, and will post signage advising when it is no longer safe to skate on the lake. Users skate at their own risk, and are reminded to be aware of the ice quality, and to avoid skating on the lake if it is slushy or there are cracks or thin spots.


Users must follow the directions of the Provincial Health Order, and are asked to maintain proper COVID protocols, including physical distancing. The use of helmets and other protective equipment is encouraged. While masks are not mandatory while enjoying physically-distanced outdoor activities, they are encouraged where possible. 


We ask that users are respectful of the environment and throw garbage in the trash bins, and follow the directions on the signage. As well, for the safety of all users, hockey is not permitted.


We hope to see people taking advantage of this great option, and that everyone keeps healthy and safe!

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