Saturday, February 6, 2021

Post Event Report -- 2021 Virtual UBCM EA Director/LGLA Annual Leadership Forum

From Feb 2-4 -- me and many of my #CaribooRD Area Director colleagues attended both of the virtual 2021 UBCM/Union of BC Municipalities Electoral Area Director Forum & 2021 LGLA/Local Government Leadership Academy's Annual Leadership Forum

2021 UBCM Electoral Area Director Forum -- the following topics were covered:

* Addresses by UBCM 2020-21 President Brian Frenkel and BC Municipal Affairs Minister Josie Osborne 

* Rural Broadband
* Conventional Bus Transit in Electoral Areas
* Food Security in Electoral Areas
* Role of RD's in relation to its' relationship with EMBC during Emergencies (ie: Floods/Wildfires)

* Open Mic Session -- formula for COVID-19 Safe Restart Funding not be equitable for Electoral Areas; feeling that Electoral Areas being ignored by UBCM/Province (time for BC Electoral Area Directors' Society?); Municipal Directors' voting on matters like COVID-19 Safe Restart Funds/Community Works Funds (Corporate - Weighted vote) when it should be voting by Electoral Area Directors' ONLY as it is RD Money only (Stakeholder (EA's) Vote - Weighted)

Full Agenda here

2021 LGLA Annual Leadership Forum - the following topics were covered:

* Address by Nora Young (CBC Radio) -- Future look at collection of digital data and the risk/rewards involved...

* Building Constructive Board/Council Relations during and post COVID-19 Pandemic -- best practices to take back to your Regional Board/Municipal Council

* Update from Municipal Finance Authority
* Communities Moving to Recovery -- Tips from Local Gov't Leaders on being resilient during a crisis
* Indigenous-Local Government Relations – COVID-19 Collaboration Shaping the Future (example from City of Kamloops/Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (Kamloops Indian Band)

* Support local businesses during COVID-19 pandemic and how can Local Government facilitate this while remaining compliant with BC's Community Charter/Local Government Act 

* Valuing Diversity In Leadership – Practical Ideas For Success
* Roundtable on Sustainability & Climate Change (how can your Regional Board/Municipal Council facilitate these topics)

* Technology Takeover -- tips/best practices to ensure local government elected officials are not swamped and overrun with the various technology tools (social media, Zoom, MS Teams, etc) that they use in the COVID-19 pandemic world and beyond, once the pandemic is over while maintaining one's mental/physical health...

* Address to LGLA 2021 Delegates from Hon. Josie Osborne - BC's Minister of Municipal Affairs

Full LGLA 2021 Agenda here

Steve's Observations:

While we have to do things virtually for now -- meeting in person is also good, for both mental and physical health.... but I also get take aways from these sessions..... and look forward to these same sessions in 2022... 

Cost to attend:

* Registration -- $250; Director Fees -- $349


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