Monday, February 8, 2021

Public Inquiry on Prolific Offenders impacting local Community Safety

Tomorrow night (Tuesday) -- Williams Lake City Council will consider the following recommendation from its' Executive Committee (Mayor Walt Cobb and City Councillors Scott Nelson and Jason Ryll

That (Williams Lake City) Council request the support of (Cariboo-PG) MP Todd Doherty and (Cariboo-Chilcotin) MLA Lorne Doerkson in calling a public inquiry into the serious, ongoing issue of the release of prolific and repeat offenders with numerous serious charges into the community of Williams Lake with no significant deterrents to re-offend

The full report from the Committee can be viewed here

Given previous letters on the subject of prolific offenders' from Williams Lake City Council in 2018 and 2019 were unanimously endorsed, I am expecting that this recommendation from the Executive Committee will also be unanimously endorsed as well... 

In addition to the City of Williams Lake -- several Electoral Areas of the Cariboo Regional District have been negatively impacted by prolific offenders including Electoral Areas D and G and a public inquiry on this subject (to the best of my knowledge - such a public inquiry has not occurred either in BC or Canada on this subject) would allow impacted residents', both in the City of Williams Lake and impacted Cariboo Regional District Electoral Areas' to provide input to the Provincial/Federal Governments' on this subject and that would be a very good thing because they ((City of WL/CRD Electoral Areas) are all frustrated that the justice system seems unable or unwilling or both to respond to prolific offenders and the communities' desire for a safe and welcoming community, no matter where one resides' ...  

I'll be watching to see the response of BC Premier John Horgan, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, BC Attorney-General/Minister of Justice David Eby and Canadian Attorney-General/Minister of Justice David Lametti on this subject...


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