Monday, February 1, 2021

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar -- January 2021

In the month of January 2021 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* January 14th -- Meetings of Committee of the Whole (Cariboo RD Board) and CRD Finance/Budget Committee (continue discussions on CRD 2021 Budget)

* January 15th -- Meeting of the Cariboo RD Board

* January 22nd/23rd -- Meetings of NCLGA (North Central Local Government Association) Committees/Board of Directors' via ZOOM

* January 26th - 28th -- 2021 Virtual BC Natural Resources Forum

* January 27th - Meetings of Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus/Joint Committee

In addition -- attended bi-weekly meetings of the NCLGA Executive Committee (in my capacity as NCLGA 2nd Vice President), responded to inquiries of #CaribooRD Area D residents' by various means (social media, phone call, email, text)... 

As for expenses submitted in January 2021:

* January 14th (meetings as noted above) -- $206

* January 15th (meeting as noted above) -- $206

* January 27th (meetings' as noted above) -- $133


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