Monday, February 22, 2021

Top 50 BC Resilient Communities in 2021

BC Business Magazine recently ranked the Top 50 BC Resilient Communities

Communities were ranked by:
* Five-year population growth
* Share of population aged 65 and over
* Immigrant component of growth
* Household financial vulnerability
* Share of workforce in public administration
* Share of workforce in wholesale trade
* Share of workforce in information, culture and recreation
* Share of workforce in accommodation and food services
* Residential sales per 10,000 residents
* Housing starts per 10,000 residents
* Change in jobs per 10,000 residents
* Average annual unemployment rate
For 2021: #Quesnel was ranked #50 while #WilliamsLake was ranked #40. City of Prince George was ranked #29 and City of #Kamloops was ranked #23.
The #1 Resilient Community in BC for 2021 was Langford BC (Vancouver Island)

Read the article from BC Business Magazine here

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