Thursday, February 4, 2021

Virtual LGLA Annual Leadership Forum 2021 - Day 2 of 2

Today is the final day of the Virtual LGLA or Local Government Leadership Academy Annual Leadership Forum 2021

On the Agenda:

* Communities Moving to Recovery: What We Learned from a Crisis
* Approach to Crisis Management
* Indigenous-Local Government Relations – Covid Collaboration Shaping the Future
* Business Rebound – Part 1 - Business and Economy Rebound – Lidstone & Company Law Corporation
* Business Rebound – Part 2 – Three Ways to Improve Resilience – Municipal Insurance Association of BC (MIABC)

* Address by Dan Ashton -- Provincial Opposition Municipal Affairs Critic

* Valuing Diversity In Leadership – Practical Ideas For Success
* Roundtable on Sustainability & Climate Change
* Technology “Takeover”
* Hon. Josie Osborne (BC Minister of Municipal Affairs) addresses LGLA Delegates
* Canada! Look Yonder – A Virtual Cross Canada Tour With Dr. Gordon McIntosh
* Concluding Remarks/Adjourn

Read the full Agenda here

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