Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Virtual UBCM 2021 EA Director Forum - Day 2 of 2/Virtual LGLA 2021 Leadership Forum - Day 1 of 2

Today from 9am - 11am -- the 158 Electoral Area Directors' of BC will continue/conclude their annual forum, outside the annual UBCM Annual Convention, which is coordinated/hosted by UBCM and chaired by UBCM Electoral Area rep. Grace MacGregor... 

On the Agenda:

* Food Security
* Role of RD's in Natural Disaster Events (Flood/Wildfire)
* In Conversation with Roly Russell (Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development)
* Open Mic Session (COVID-19 Restart Fund allocation formula)
* Adjourn

Then, from 1pm to 4:30pm -- the annual LGLA or Local Government Leadership Academy's Leadership Forum takes place, again in a virtual format to respect current BC Public Health Orders.  The full LGLA Leadership Forum Agenda can be viewed here

On the Agenda:

* Opening Ceremonies
* Keynote Address: Seeing the Forest and the Trees -- Nora Young from CBC Radio
* The New Normal -- Building Constructive Board/Council Relations
* MFA (Municipal Finance Authority) Presents: Local Government Finance in Uncertain Times-Investing Local Government Reserves for the Long Term and Other Investment Topics


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