Wednesday, February 24, 2021

WL Stampede Parade Funding & the Cariboo Regional District

As this matter of Williams Lake Stampede Parade funding from the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) and discussion by Williams Lake City Council is being reported by the local media ( -- I would like to provide the CRD perspective which goes along with the old Latin saying (which I try to employ in every conversation I have with people) "Audi alteram partem" which translates into English as "Hear the Other Side" 

You watch the Williams Lake City Council discussion yesterday for yourself at 

Historically speaking -- the Regional District has NEVER provided funding to either Billy Barker Days in Quesnel nor Williams Lake Stampede/Stampede Parade in Williams Lake... 

At the June 24th, 2020 Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting -- Ken O'Brien from Daybreak Rotary requested funding for the 2021 WL Stampede Parade and the matter was referred to CRD/City Staff for a report to be considered at the September 2020 Joint Committee Meeting 

At the September 16th, 2020 Joint Committee meeting -- the matter was further discussed for funding via the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Function and the stakeholders for this Function (CRD Areas D,E,F & City of WL) respectfully disagreed with the request for funds from this Function but at my request -- it was referred to the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus for consideration of funding in 2021 via the Areas D,E,F Main Intake Grants for Assistance Fund

At the November 25th, 2020 Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus -- funding for the 2021 WL Stampede Parade was discussed and after some discussion by the Areas D,E,F Directors' including disagreement among the Areas D,E,F Directors' of funding this request and the fact that granting less than the full $10,000 request of Daybreak Rotary would very likely result in the 2021 WL Stampede Parade not being put on -- it was agreed, by consensus, to not provide funding in 2021

As an aside -- CRD Main Intake Grants for Assistance is reviewed annually, on application by September 30th in each year, and as per the CRD Grants for Assistance Policy (Capital Grant, Seed Money, Event Grant) for disbursement in the following year (upon CRD Board approval of the annual Regional District Budget in late March of each year). This was reported at the November 25th, 2020 Joint Committee meeting and at the request of WL City Councillor Ivan Bonnell, a formal letter confirming the decision of Central Cariboo Rural Caucus  respecting CRD funding for the 2021 WL Stampede Parade was prepared and signed off by CRD Area "F" Director Maureen LeBourdais who is the 2021 Chair of the CRD Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus (CRD Areas D,E,F,J,K) which ultimately led to last night's discussion by Williams Lake City Council 

Also there was some criticism of the CRD Budget by some WL City Councillors' which lacked context. While it is true that the CRD is collecting 4.1% more in tax requisition in 2021 than in 2020 -- this is to fund ALL of the 128 CRD Services we operate -- here is the rundown on the proposed 2021 CRD Budget and how you can provide your feedback until March 3rd -- 

For my own Electoral Area -- Grants for Assistance is used to support community groups or initiatives in my own Area first BEFORE I use it to support groups in Williams Lake benefitting Area "D" but it is the discretion of each CRD Area Director in Areas D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L to decide which Grants to provide, subject to the statutory limit ($0.10 cents per $1,000 of assessment in each Electoral Area) and I know many in my Electoral Area generally trust in my judgement as to the groups that I support annually via the CRD Grants for Assistance program (Main Intake or Year Round Intake Streams) 

But I do agree with WL City Councillor Marnie Brenner that we must find ways to financially cooperate on community events and that firstly starts with discussion without impugning motives of CRD Directors' and that of the CRD Board of Directors'... 

Finally -- WL City Councillors should know that CRD Rural Directors' (especially the CRD Areas D,E,F Directors) are always available to discuss ANY matter at any time and instead of making "statements" in WL Council Chambers -- they should take the time to call and understand our processes. Something I have personally told each of them I am willing to do at ANY time including the wonderful discussion I had with WL City Councillor Sheila Boehm late yesterday evening. 

Although she and I did not agree on the funding of the WL Stampede Parade, I believe she understands our processes at the CRD as it relates to our budgeting and Grants Process. 

They ((or any member of the greater Williams Lake community) can reach out to us via our website at 

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