Sunday, March 7, 2021

All Season Outdoor Sports Complex in 100 Mile House?

At their meeting tomorrow -- the 100 Mile House Outdoor Rink Society will appear before the South Cariboo Joint Committee, whose membership includes the Cariboo Regional District Areas G,H,L Directors as well as all members of 100 Mile House District Council, pitching the concept of an All Season Outdoor Sports Complex in 100 Mile House to the Committee

See below for a video presentation introducing the concept here

The Society has also received a number of letters of support for this outdoor recreation concept including from the former and current Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA (Donna Barnett/Lorne Doerksen) - click here

The South Cariboo Joint Committee meets tomorrow (Monday, March 8th) at 12 noon via electronic means, due to the current BC Public Health orders... 


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