Wednesday, March 3, 2021

BC Population Estimates for 2020 (Cariboo-Chilcotin Region)

Yesterday -- BC Statistics (a division of the Province of BC) released its' Population Estimates for 2020 - full data set can be accessed at 

Population estimate for the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region in 2020: 

 District of Wells - 231 (no increase from 2019) 

 City of Quesnel - 10,356 (decrease of 0.1% from 2019) 

 City of Williams Lake - 11,559 (increase of 0.9% from 2019) 

 District of 100 Mile House - 2,012 (decrease of 0.1% from 2019) 

 Cariboo Regional District (All Electoral Areas) - 41,417 (increase of 0.3% from 2019)

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