Friday, March 5, 2021

CCRHD Board Highlights - March 5th mtg

Meeting held via teleconference

Present: Chair B. Simpson/Vice Chair A. Richmond and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Wagner, Glassford, Kirby, Macdonald, Fourchalk, Cobb, Campsall and Watson

Meeting called to order at 9:30am

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the CCRHD Board held on February 11th, 2021 were received/adopted

CCRHD Board Delegations Memorandum of Business was received


1) The Board received its' Consent Calendar as of March 5th, 2021

2) The Board received a press release from the Government of BC entitled Expansion of surgical services at Cariboo Memorial Hospital

The Chair provided a Capital Program update for projects at Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams Lake and GR Baker in Quesnel

The Board agreed to adjourn at 9:51am

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