Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Session - March 2nd mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb (Chair); Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Ryll, Smith (in WL Council Chambers) and Nelson (via electronic means)

Meeting called to order - 6pm

Procedural Motion - Close Meeting to Public Attendance:

RESOLVED: That members of the public are not permitted to physically attend the March 2, 2021 Committee of Whole Council meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the December 2nd Gathering and Events Public Health Officer Order. As per Ministerial Order No. M192 from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and, for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of the Community Charter, the meeting is not to be considered closed to the public and will be livestreamed on the City of Williams Lake's YouTube Channel, located at https://www.youtube.com/user/CityWL, to ensure openness and transparency

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Committee meeting held on Feb 16th, 2021 were received/adopted


1) Sydney Redpath, from the Cariboo-Chilcotin-Coast Tourism Association appeared before the Committee to provide a Regional Tourism update.  Presentation here

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Ms. Redpath for her time/information

2) Laurie Walters, PASS Program Coordinator - Community Futures, Cariboo-Chilcotin and Larry Stranberg, Program Manager of Community Futures, Cariboo-Chilcotin appeared before the Committee to present on Introduction of Planning A Successful Succession (PASS) program

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information


1) COVID 19 Safe Restart Funding - Further Allocations

The Committee received a report of the CFO - click here
Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved -- That the Committee recommend: 

That Council allocate the remaining unallocated $546,205 from the COVID‐19 Safe Restart Grant to boost the uncollected taxation revenues, directing the funds to City’s capital program.

2) Extension of Rent Relief at Williams Lake Regional Airport (YWL)

The Committee received a report of the Economic Development Officer - click here
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved -- That the Committee recommend:

That Council extend the facility rent relief extended to commercial tenants at Williams Lake Regional Airport (YWL) terminal for an additional period of six months ending September 30, 2021

The Committee adjourned at 6:58pm

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