Thursday, March 25, 2021

No Late June/early July 2021 Williams Lake Stampede

Courtesy of the Williams Lake Stampede Association:

In the fall of 2020, our Board of Directors was elected and have since steadily been working to organize our annual Stampede event – we have reached the point where we have done what we could in our planning and preparations and any movement further requires an indication that live large in-person events would be able to be held in June of this year. Our Association can proceed no further and regretfully announces the cancellation of the Williams Lake Stampede in June-July 2021. 

Our Board of Directors continues in our tenacity and optimism to make plans for the possibility of a smaller rodeo event, with our current planning target of late summer or fall of 2021. 

The Williams Lake Stampede festival event requires over 400 volunteers in any number of jobs to help take your tickets at the gate, to sell merchandise, to greet you in the Let R Buck, and to ensure the rodeo flows smoothly. Our Board of Directors can execute up to 25 individual contracts for service with any number of community groups, professional entertainers, and stock contractors that make the Stampede weekend the full festival it has grown to be. We have a number of general operations that need to be put into place well before the July long weekend arrives and these forecasting limitations impact it all. 

To our sponsors, volunteers, spectators and supporters we have one simple ask to make of you: please don’t give up on us. Please know that we have done the best we can with the information and options available to us. We are familiar with the disappointment this may cause in our community and we are certainly right there with you. We hope you can be there to support any number of smaller community events we may be able to plan and host throughout the summer, and when the dust clears, we hope you can support us again: with your advertising and sponsorship, your time and your efforts, and your cheers of elation in our Grandstand that put fire in our bellies to do it all again the next year. 

Be sure to check in with us as planning possibilities may shift and change – we are preparing to be quick on our feet if the possibility of events becomes available to us.

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