Friday, March 12, 2021

TNRD Board approves Independent 3rd Party Financial Review

Courtesy of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District:

Editor's Note -- I very much look forward to hearing the outcome of this review

At its' Regular Board Meeting of March 11, 2021, the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors approved a recommendation to move forward with an independent third-party financial review and audit of the TNRD’s financial records.

The Board Report from CAO Scott Hildebrand states that the review will cover the time period of 2015-2020, with the purpose of making recommendations to improve internal controls and oversight measures. “This will become our priority with the goal to move this along as quickly as possible, while ensuring things are done right,” said Hildebrand. “It will include a thorough review of managers, senior managers, CAO and Board of Directors expenditures. All expenses, contracts and financial documentation will be included in this investigation, with the final terms of reference to be brought back for Board awareness and approval.”

The review is estimated to take 3 months and will cost approximately $50,000-$75,000. A comprehensive report will be made available to the Board and public as soon as possible.

The topic of an independent financial review was suggested by TNRD Board Chair Ken Gillis at a press conference held on March 1 addressing media coverage about the TNRD’s expenses. Chair Gillis stated that “we will continue to make further necessary changes to ensure full oversight and accountability. Our commitment as we move forward is transparency.”

The financial audit is an important step for the TNRD to examine past expenditures, and to make recommendations for possible changes to current policies and practices

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