Wednesday, March 17, 2021

We’re Almost There!

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Editor's Note -- this week's Quesnel City Council column is written by Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson.  He can be reached via email here

Most of us are tired and frustrated with the fact that the COVID restrictions, though relaxed, are still upon us as we head into another spring. But, we can’t let that frustration undermine the hard work that’s been done to date to limit the spread and the deadly effects of this pandemic -- we must stay the course and see this through together.

Spring Break is usually a time individuals and families travel to enjoy warmer climes, to ski at BC’s larger ski resorts, or to visit family and friends. But, the non-essential travel restrictions are still in place (“should be avoided”), so it’s best we all continue to stay at home and enjoy our community and all it has to offer: both outdoors and indoors.

The backcountry around Quesnel offers adventurous opportunities to recreate; whether sledding or enjoying it on snowshoes or backcountry skis. The skiing conditions at Troll and at Hallis Lake remain good and rental equipment is available at both locations. If you haven’t tried out downhill or cross-country skiing, this spring is an ideal time to do so. Quesnel’s many parks, playgrounds, and trails are also yours to enjoy; just remember that social distancing restrictions remain in place with a minor extension to our “outside bubble.”

For some great ideas on what to do in and around Quesnel this Spring Break, visit and become a “tourist in your own town.”

The City’s many restaurants and coffee shops are also open and, within public health limits, are wonderful places to get out of your home for an afternoon or evening. Similarly, strolling down Reid Street and doing some local shopping in our downtown is a nice way to spend a sunny afternoon. Checking out the retail opportunities in our South and West Quesnel business areas is also a great way to get some spring deals and support our local businesses. And, don’t forget to support Quesnel’s many home-based businesses too.

For more information on Quesnel’s many opportunities to shop locally and support local businesses, visit:

Regardless of what you do to take a break or get outside this Spring Break, please continue to exercise the basic discipline we’ve all been asked to incorporate into our daily lives:

  • wash your hands often and well
  • maintain physical distancing
  • wear a mask in all public spaces
  • clean commonly touched surfaces often
  • stick to your social bubble, especially if you do travel

For more information on the current public health orders in BC, visit the provincial government website at:

As a community we’ve done well and avoided any major community or institutional outbreaks during this pandemic; that’s something we should be proud of and protect by continuing to exercise discipline and patience. With the vaccination program now underway, the end is in sight and we’ll be able to start enjoying more freedom from the necessary public health restrictions we’ve been adhering to in order to protect our loved ones and those in our community who are more vulnerable to the virus’ worst effects.

For more information on the COVID vaccination program in our area, visit:

Let’s stay the course Quesnel, we’re almost there!


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