Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Cariboo Memorial Hospital redevelopment moves forward

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

People in Williams Lake and the Cariboo-Chilcotin are a step closer to an expanded, renovated Cariboo Memorial Hospital (CMH) with Graham Design Builders LP selected as the project proponent.

“The selection of a proponent is a big milestone as we are even closer to getting work started on this important hospital expansion and renovation,” said the Hon. Adrian Dix, BC's Minister of Health. “This project will modernize the hospital and enable our government to deliver enhanced services for people in Williams Lake and across the Cariboo-Chilcotin.”

Following a competitive procurement process, Graham Design Builders LP was selected from three shortlisted teams to finalize a design early works agreement (DEWA), including detailed design of the project. Joining Graham Design Builders on the design team are Stantec Architecture Ltd. and Stantec Consulting Ltd.

The DEWA has been executed and Graham Design Builders LP is proceeding into negotiations for a Design-Build Agreement to oversee construction of CMH redevelopment.

It will be a game changer for people who need mental health care that we’re redeveloping the Cariboo Memorial Hospital with them front of mind,” said the Hon. Sheila Malcolmson, BC's Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “Together, we’re building a system where treatment for mental health is on par with any other health condition. I’m grateful to everyone involved in making this redevelopment a reality.”

The CMH redevelopment project will take place in two phases. Phase 1 is a three-storey addition to the hospital campus, while Phase 2 will be renovations to the existing facility.

“Cariboo Memorial Hospital serves patients and families across a large region and includes several Aboriginal communities, as well as an aging population,” said Susan Brown, Interior Health President and CEO. “This announcement today brings us one step closer to breaking ground on this important project, which we know will expand access to health-care services for people in Williams Lake across the entire Cariboo-Chilcotin region.”

Features of the project include a new emergency department and medical surgical unit, expanded ambulatory care and maternal and women’s health units, the addition of a mental-health and substance-use inpatient unit, a multi-purpose gathering room and space for the University of British Columbia’s faculty of medicine program. New parking stalls will also be added to the site.

“The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District is proud to be a funding partner for this important project that will benefit people across the Cariboo Chilcotin,” said Bob Simpson, chair, Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District. “CMH has served the needs of regional residents for many, many years and we look forward to seeing this project to modernize the hospital come to fruition.”

The cost of the project is $217.75 million and will be shared between the provincial government and the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District.

Quick Facts:

  • Graham Builders LP responded to a request for qualifications posted through BC Bid in April 2020. In October 2020, three short-listed proponents were asked to respond to a request for proposals. That was followed by a thorough evaluation under an independent fairness reviewer.
  • As detailed design work progresses, a timeline for construction will be developed. Once the addition to CMH is complete, Phase 2 renovations will begin.
  • As part of government’s commitment to environmental sustainability and green buildings, the addition at CMH will be designed and constructed to achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification at a minimum.

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