Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Highlights - April 28th mtg

Present from CRD: Directors Steve Forseth, Angie Delainey and Maureen LeBourdais (Electoral Areas D,E,F)

Present from City of WL: Councillors Jason Ryll, Ivan Bonnell and Sheila Boehm

Meeting held by electronic means and it was called to order at 5:30pm by Director A. Delainey and she recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional territory of the Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) peoples... The Chair also announced that the meeting would be audio livestreamed today... 

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Joint Committee meetings held on February 24th (Regular Meeting) and March 10th (Special Meeting) were both received/adopted

Delegations - None


1) GMHL/WSHL Facility Use

The Committee was presented with a report of the City of WL's Director of Community Services - click here (Staff Report) and Attachment "A" (click here)

Discussion ensued thereon... 

Committee Recommendation:

That it be recommended to Williams Lake City Council:

  • That the report from Ian James, Director of Community Services, City of Williams Lake, dated March 24, 2021, regarding the request from the Western States Hockey League (WSHL), be received and that the GMHL/WSHL facility use agreement proposal be rejected

2) CMRC Outdoor Electronic Display Sign/PA System in Twin Ice Arenas

The Committee was presented with a report of the Director of Community Services - click here (Staff report) and Attachments "A" (click here) and "B" (click here)

Discussion ensued thereon

Committee Recommendation:

That it be recommended to the Regional District Board:

  • That the report from Ian James, Director of Community Services, City of Williams Lake, dated April 12, 2021, regarding an outdoor electronic display sign for the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, be received.  Further, that an amendment to the 2021 Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex capital budget to include a mass notification and announcement system at an estimated cost of $46,000 and an electronic entrance display sign at an estimated cost of $53,000 be approved, and that the gazebo sign project at an estimated cost of $90,000 be removed. 

3) Regional District Funding of Parks Within the City of Williams Lake

A report of the CRD's Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant was presented to the Committee (click here) and letter from City of Williams Lake (click here)

Discussion ensued thereon


That the agenda item summary from Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant, dated March 19, 2021, regarding rejection of CRD cost sharing of City of Williams Lake parks, be received.

4) Action Page

The Committee discussed its' Action Page - click here

The Committee received its' Action Page, agreed to remove Items 6-9 and Item #5 be brought forward at the May Joint Committee meeting

The Committee adjourned at 7:07pm

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