Monday, April 12, 2021

Prescribed burn will reduce wildfire risk near Yunesit’in

Courtesy of the BC Wildfire Service:

The Yunesit’in Government in partnership with the BC Wildfire Service will be conducting a prescribed burn approximately seven kilometers west of the Yunesit’in community and approximately 25 kilometers southeast of Alexis Creek, on the south side of the Chilcotin River.

The prescribed burn is about 88 hectares in size. Burning may begin as early as April 13, 2021, and will continue periodically until April 30, 2021. Ignitions will proceed only if conditions are suitable to allow for quick smoke dissipation and low to moderate fire intensity.

 Smoke and flames from this prescribed burn will be highly visible from Yunesit’in, Highway 20, and surrounding areas. Firefighters will closely monitor this fire at all times. 

 The BC Wildfire Service often helps local governments plan and complete this type of fuel management work. This prescribed burn is an excellent training opportunity for the local Yunesit’in crews who will work alongside BC Wildfire Service crews.

Purpose of this prescribed burn:

*Mitigate the wildfire risks to the community by decreasing the fuel load (combustible material such as underbrush and dead wood) on the landscape

*Reduce the intensity of future wildfires in the area so they are safer and easier to suppress

*Restore the open forest structure through the removal of small encroaching trees and shrubs

*Promote the growth of native plant species post-burn

*Improve habitat and forage opportunities for wildlife

  factsheet about prescribed burns and ecosystem restoration burns is available online:

 To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone.

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