Saturday, April 17, 2021

Prescribed burns to occur in the Cariboo Fire Centre (Quesnel/Williams Lake areas)

Courtesy of the BC Wildfire Service:

BC Wildfire Service crews will assist with two wildfire risk reduction and one ecosystem restoration burns within the Cariboo Fire Centre over the next few weeks.

Boitanio Park and Stampede Park Grounds - City of Williams Lake:

*This wildfire risk reduction burn will cover about 11.5 hectares between Boitanio Park and the Stampede Park Grounds, within the city limits of Williams Lake.

*Ignitions will be being as early as April 20, 2021 and continue periodically until April 30, 2021.

*The goals of this prescribed burn is to reduce the risk of a wildfire spreading within city limits and to promote the growth of local plant species.

*A low- to moderate-intensity surface fire will be lit within pre-established boundaries to remove combustible materials and mimic a naturally occurring ground fire. BC Wildfire Service staff will be working with members of the Williams Lake Fire Department to carefully prepare, control, and monitor the fires at all times. Smoke and flames will be visible from Highway 97 and to residents in Williams Lake and surrounding areas.

*This prescribed burn will occur in partnership with the City of Williams Lake, and it will be an opportunity for the Williams Lake Fire Department and BC Wildfire Service to work together outside of emergency response activities, which is important for strengthening inter-agency coordination.

Chimney Lake Rec Sites - Cariboo RD Area "E":

*BC Wildfire Service, in partnership with Recreation Sites and Trails BC, will be conducting three small risk reduction prescribed burns located at Chimney Lake North Recreation Site, Chimney Lake Center Recreation Site, and the Felker Lake Recreation Site.

*These burns will be respectively 2.3 hectares, 1.5 hectares, and 3.9 hectares in size. Ignitions will begin as early as April 19, 2021 and continue periodically until April 30, 2021.

*The goal of this prescribed burn is to reduce the wildfire risk in these highly utilized areas.

*Smoke will be visible to the surrounding communities.

 Neewa - Cariboo RD Area "B"

*This prescribed burn is located 9 kilometres northwest of Batnuni Lake, near Neewa Creek. This burn will take place between April 19, 2021 and continue periodically until April 30, 2021.

*The burn will be approximately 26.5 hectares in size and smoke from this fire may be visible from surrounding communities.

*This is ecosystem restoration burn aims to restore native grasslands through low to moderate intensity ground fire. Such fires prevent tree encroachment, rejuvenate understory plants and help maintain open grasslands and forests with large trees. This ecosystem restoration work will also improve habitat and forage opportunities for grassland dependent plants and animals, as well as decrease the risk for catastrophic wildfires.

*The project is being administered by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources Operations and Rural Development with the assistance of the BC Wildfire Service.

 Prescribed fire is when a burn is planned, ignited and managed by people. When preparing a fire prescription, the plan author considers vegetation type, terrain, fire behaviour, temperature, humidity, wind conditions, and the venting index. The size and intensity of prescribed burns are carefully planned and controlled to meet land management objectives. This prescribed fire will be ignited and continuously monitored by trained firefighters to ensure that the fire stays within the prescribed parameters and meets the plan’s objectives.

 Prescribed burning is an effective tool which decreases the amount of fuel (i.e. cured grass and woody debris) available for wildfire consumption. A factsheet about prescribed burns and ecosystem restoration burns is available online at:

 To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.

For up-to-date information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and

air quality advisories, call 1 888 3-FOREST or visit:

 You can follow the latest wildfire news on:

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