Tuesday, April 13, 2021

WL Council Highlights - April 13th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb and Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll and Smith 

Meeting called to order at 6:04pm ,following a Public Hearing held on Bylaw #2344 (27 - 7th Avenue South)

Mayor Cobb recognized that the meeting was being held on traditional Shuswap territory

Procedural Motion - Close Meeting to Public Attendance: 

 Resolved - That members of the public are not permitted to physically attend the April 13, 2021 Williams Lake City Council meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the December 2nd, 2020 Gathering and Events Public Health Officer Order. As per Ministerial Order No. M192 from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and, for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of the Community Charter, the meeting is not to be considered closed to the public and will be livestreamed on the City’s YouTube Channel to ensure openness and transparency.

Meeting Agenda adopted

Minutes of Williams Lake City Council meetings held on March 23rd (Special Closed/Regular) and March 31st (Special Closed) were all received/adopted

Matters from Public Hearings/Public Consideration of Permits & Delegations:

1) Following a Public Hearing -- Council gave 3rd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2344, 2021 and Council agreed to forward the Bylaw to the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure for approval, as per Section 52 of the Transportation Act

2) Kane Fraser, MNP Chartered Professional Accountants appeared before Council to present the City of Williams Lake 2020 Audited Financial Statements & Auditor's Report

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb thanked Mr. Fraser for his time/information

Resolved -- Council received the 2020 City of Williams Lake annual financial statements and approved them as presented, receive and accepted the auditor's report, and authorized the Mayor and the Chief Financial Officer to sign the management letter and the financial statements on behalf of the City; and Council authorized the Chief Financial Officer to make the submission of the audited financial statements and any other financial information to the inspector and other relevant financial information submissions, as required.

 3) Trevor Bigg appeared before Council to discuss the Bigg Garbage Pick-Up Event for Earth Day - April 22, 2021

A Question/Answer period ensued

 Mayor Cobb thanked Mr. Bigg for his time/information

 Resolved -- That the presentation from Trevor Bigg, EXP Realty regarding the upcoming Bigg Garbage Pick-Up event for Earth Day taking place on Thursday, April 22, 2021 in partnership with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Williams Lake be received and the community be encouraged to participate.


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated March 25, April 1 and 6, 2021

2) Council gave City of Williams Lake Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2347, 2021 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings

3) Council appointed a Parcel Tax Review Panel and schedule the date for the Parcel Tax Roll Reviews to be held via Zoom meeting, if required, as follows:

·         Water and Sewer - April 30, 2021 at 10:00 AM (Councillors Bonnell, Brenner and Boehm); and

·         Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area - April 30, 2021 at 10:30 AM (Councillors Nelson, Ryll, Smith)


4) Council amended its’ Policy No. 84 'Appropriation of Surplus' to include the following minimum surplus amount for Transit:

·         "5.  TRANSIT: $150,000".


5) Council approved the proposed RCMP 2021/22 expenditure cap, with amendments as recommended and directed Staff to send a Final Confirmation Letter to the RCMP


6) Council accepted the revised architectural drawings from Janda Group Holdings Inc. for Development Permit No. 02-2020 to redevelop the upper floor of the existing Boitanio Mall building, located at 850 Oliver Street and legally described as Lot A, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan EPP78192, into 82 residential units.  Final approval of this Development Permit will come forward at the April 27th Williams Lake City Council meeting for consideration


7) Council accepted the amended application from 607841 BC Ltd. requesting to amend City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 by rezoning the subject property addressed as 2000 Mackenzie Avenue North, gave Bylaw #2336 2nd Reading, as amended and that a virtual Public Hearing be scheduled for May 11th and adoption of Bylaw #2336 be withheld pending approval of an encroachment agreement for the parking spaces and a portion of the building located on the City boulevard.


8) Council approved an application to the UBCM 2021 COVID-19 Restart Funding Strengthening Communities' Services Program requesting funding for the following initiatives:

* Community Well-being and Safety Coordinator Position

* Building Housing Capacity Program Position

* Community Cold Weather Response

* Housing First Outreach Program


9) Council authorized the following tenders or capital budget allocations:


a)       Replace the existing heating and cooling system at the Williams Lake Regional Airport Terminal Building to Markey Mechanical for the tendered price of $147,428.05, excluding applicable taxes.

b)      Repair and replace sections 8, 9 and 14 of the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex’ (CMRC) roof to Mainline Roofing for the tendered price of $203,600.25, including GST.

c)       Replace the irrigation system at the Williams Lake Cemetery to Renegade Irrigation Ltd. for the bid price of $134,898.18, excluding applicable taxes

d)      Allocate up to $315,000 from General Reserve and $370,000 from sanitary reserve in 2021 for the respective replacement of a storm and sanitary main along Frizzi Road that was compromised by a recent landslide

e)      Early budget approval for/and waive Purchasing Policy No. 138 to allow for the sole-source purchase of, the 2021 demo trackless sidewalk machine and flail mower attachment for the quoted price of $167,120, excluding PST, from Kendrick Equipment

f)        Approve $25,000 from the Airport Reserve account for an asphalt condition assessment and design which is a requirement for future ACAP Grant funding toward the airport runway rehabilitation project

g)       River Valley Flood Remediation – Bridges S1 to S3 contract to Peterson Contracting Ltd. for a total construction tender amount of $198,450, excluding GST (with the City’s share of costs totalling $62,480.31 with contingency and engineering)


10) Council approved a recommendation from its’ Community Services Committee as follows:


That pursuant to Community Services Committee Report #01-2021, the letter from Total Ice Training Centre dated February 28, 2021 regarding the proposed summer ice programs at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, together with the requested staff report outlining the costs and expected revenues associated with running summer ice programs, be received for information and the concerns outlined in the letter be forwarded for consideration at a future Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting (with the ability for Total Ice representatives to attend).


11) Council approved a Committee of the Whole recommendation concerning COVID-19 Hardship Grants/2nd Intake, as follows:


That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #11-2021 and the the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated March 24, 2021, Council award the remaining COVID Hardship Grants to the Williams Lake Skating Club at $2,500 (subject to availability of existing City iPads being available to offset some of these costs), Williams Lake Harvest Fair at $2,500, Williams Lake Youth Soccer Association at $2,500, Williams Lake Blue Fins at $2,500 (subject to availability of existing City iPads being available to offset some of these costs), and the Williams Lake Fire Department Association at $2,500;


and further, that the Hardship Grant be expanded using surplus funds from the COVID Safe Restart funds allocated to businesses to award grants to the Cariboo Arts and Culture Society at $1,856, the Williams Lake Golf & Tennis Club at $2,500, Camp Likely at $2,500, Williams Lake Pride Society at $2,500, Scout Island Nature Centre at $2,500, and the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society at $2,000;


and further, that Council consider providing a second round of non-profit grants in the future if the Province provides additional COVID funding.


12) Council received letters as follows:


a)       Commercial Vehicle Noise in Community from BC Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth

b)      Support for BC to Host 2026 Commonwealth Games from David Black and that a letter of support be provided 

c)       Reply from the Prime Minister of Canada regarding a call for public inquiry for stronger sentencing of prolific and repeat offenders


13) Council proclaimed three dates as follows:


a)    April 18-24th -- National Volunteer Week (Late Item)

b)   April 28th – BC Day of Mourning (Incidents/Deaths in the Workplace)

c)      June 2021 – PTSD/Personal Traumatic Stress Disorder



14) Council received its’ “Council Information Package” as of April 13th, 2021, as follows:


·         March 2021 - NCLGA Board Highlights;

·         March 4, 2021 - City of Langley Letter to Province re Support for BC Casinos Reopening & Response Letter from Minister Robinson;

·         March 4 & 10, 2021 - District of North Vancouver & City of Victoria Letters Supporting 'Help Cities Lead Campaign';

·         March 16, 2021 - Joint Regional Letter from Chairs and Mayors Supporting Provincial Funding for Barkerville Heritage Trust;

·         March 17, 2021 - City of Prince George Correspondence re Opposition to BC Hydro's Proposed 2020 Street Lighting Rate Increase Application, Calling on the Federal Government for an Overdose Action Plan, and Supporting the Federal Government's Motion to Adopt 9-8-8 as a National Crisis Line;

·         March 18, 2021 - District of Sicamous Resolutions re Invasive Asian Clams and Aquatic Invasive Species Enforcement; and

·         March 24, 2021 - Letter from UBCM re City of Williams Lake 2020 Membership Renewal.


At the request of Councillor Smith - Council directed Staff to lower all flags to half mast until the funeral of

His Royal Highness, the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Mayor Cobb provided a COVID-19 Community Update

Members of Council provided verbal reports on their recent activities


Council adjourned at 7:56pm

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