Tuesday, April 27, 2021

WL Council Highlights - April 27th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb and Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll and Smith

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Procedural Motion - Meeting Closed to Public Attendance:


That members of the public are not permitted to physically attend the April 27, 2021 Council meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the December 2nd Gathering and Events Public Health Officer Order. As per Ministerial Order No. M192 from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and, for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of the Community Charter, the meeting is not to be considered closed to the public and will be livestreamed on the City’s YouTube Channel to ensure openness and transparency.

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Council meeting held April 13th, 2021 were received/adopted


1) Natalie Anderson - Support for Re-Opening of Indoor Dining & Places of Worship

Following Ms. Anderson's presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb thanked Ms. Anderson for her presentation

Resolved: That a letter be forwarded to BC's Health Minister/Provincial Health Officer requesting that COVID-19 restrictions be implemented on a regional basis and not provincial 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION:  Councillor J. Ryll 

2) Introduction to Sylvia Dubray, Well-Being & Community Safety Coordinator & Presentation of Community Well-Being Safety Plan

Following Ms. Dubray's presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb thanked Ms. Dubray for her presentation

Resolved: That the presentation of the Well-Being & Community Safety Coordinator be received and Council endorse the 'Community Well-Being and Safety Plan Cariboo Chilcotin - A Framework for Collaboration and Action' as presented.


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated April 8, 9, 15 and 19 2021

2) Council approved the proposed 2021 Municipal Property Tax Rates and Bylaw No. 2348, being a Bylaw of the City of Williams Lake respecting Property Tax Levies for the year ending December 31, 2021 was given 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings'

3) Council gave "Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditures Bylaw No. 2349, 2021" 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings' 

4) Council accepted the 2020 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report  and disclosure schedules for submission to the Province of BC and that the City of Williams Lake signatories be authorized to sign the report on behalf of the City.

5) Council received the report of the Manager of Recreation & Leisure Services dated April 16, 2021 together with the updated Fee for Service application from Five Stones Community Outreach (formerly Youth for Christ) and directed City Staff/Mayor Cobb to gather more information on its' budget and related financial information

6) Council approved Development Permit #2-2020 ( Janda Group - 2nd Floor Redevelopment for 82 Residential Units - 850 Oliver Street (Boitanio Mall))

7) After receiving negative public comments -- Council denied DVP #01-2021 - Halvorsen - Parking Reduction for Secondary Suite for property at 117-375 Mandarino Place

8) Council approved an application to the UBCM 2021 Local Government Development Approval (DAPR) Program to support the City's development approval processes.

9) Council received the request from 607841 BC Ltd. to enter into an encroachment agreement for six parking spaces encroaching on the Mackenzie Avenue City boulevard and a portion of the existing building encroaching into the City boulevard on Pine Street, at 2000 Mackenzie Avenue North, legally described as Lot A, District Lot 8843, Cariboo District, Plan 31585 and Staff were directed to issue public notice of the application for encroachment based on a 20-year encroachment agreement for a one-time contribution of $1,000 with all costs associated with execution of the agreement being the responsibility of the property owner

10) Council authorized up to $56,000 from the COVID Safe Restart Grant funding previously allocated to the City’s Pandemic Fund to upgrade the telecommunications infrastructure and audiovisual equipment in Council Chambers, including consultant costs and the purchase of equipment to enhance the City’s ability to conduct meetings both remotely and in-person; and waived Purchasing Policy No. 138 and direct award the contract for the total project to Mike Fleming/Total Media Technology Inc

11) Council ratified an email poll (with Councillor M. Brenner opposed) authorizing a letter be sent to the Premier of BC regarding the reported lay-offs at Gibraltar Mines and seeking the Premier’s involvement in helping to resolve the issue

12) Council received the report of the Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2344 held April 13, 2021 (27 7th Avenue - old Slumber Lodge property) for information

13) Council authorized the following Public Works contracts as follows:

a) Replace the existing windows at the Williams Lake Regional Airport Terminal Building to Wise Windows and Doors for the bid price of $45,995.52, excluding applicable taxes.

b) Pavement Marking 2021 contract to Andesite Holdings DBA Yellowhead Pavement Marking Inc. for the tendered price of $111,171.56, excluding GST

* Resolved - That Staff bring a report to Public Works Committee looking into the feasibility of both street line painting more than once a year and also completing these works in-house 

c) Contract with Cariboo Chilcotin Funeral Services for the operation of the Five Rivers Crematorium for a three-year term commencing June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2024, with the option for a further three-year renewal after the initial term

14) Council adopted the following Bylaws:

a) City of Williams Lake Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2347, 2021
b) City of Williams Lake Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2344, 2021 (27 7th Avenue South - old Slumber Lodge property)

15) Council adopted a Committee of the Whole recommendation as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #12-2021 and the the report of the Economic Development Officer dated April 12, 2021, Council enter into a Service Agreement and Fund Agreement with the Prince George Community Foundation, and that an application be made to Northern Development Initiatives Trust's (NDIT's) Community Foundation Matching Grant program.

16) Council received a letter from the City of Penticton to UBCM President Brian Frenkel seeking support for their challenge to the BC Government on their recent use of provincial paramountcy to undermine the City of Penticton's zoning bylaws and upon the recommendation of Councillor Nelson, that a letter of support be provided, as requested... 

17) Council received copies of letters from District of Kent dated March 31, 2021 and the District of Port Edward dated April 6, 2021 in support of the City of Williams Lake's call for public inquiry for stronger sentencing of prolific and repeat offenders and at the request of Councillor Ryll, a UBCM Resolution be prepared on this matter 

18) Council received a letter from the Terra Ridge Village Strata dated April 20, 2021 requesting a multi-stakeholder advisory committee be struck to develop a remediation plan to reduce land movement in the vicinity of the Hodgson Road slide area, both inside and outside of the municipal boundaries and that Staff bring forward a report to create a joint partnership between the CRD and Provincial/Federal Governments on this matter... 

19) Council passed Proclamations as follows:

a) "National Public Works Week" -- May 16-22, 2021
b) "Hospice Palliative Care Awareness Month" -- May 2021
c) "Youth Week" -- May 1-7, 2021

20) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of April 27th, 2021 as follows:

         March 29, 2021 - Chamber of Commerce re 4th Annual 'Swing into Success' Golf Tournament taking place on June 5th;

         April 7, 2021 - Letter from School District No. 27 re City's Interest in Poplar Glade and Glendale School Sites;

         April 12, 2021 - District of Clearwater re Endorsement of National 3-Digit 9-8-8 Crisis Line;

         April 16, 2021 - CRD News Release re Reporting Flooding, Landslides and Impacted Roads in the Cariboo Regional District;

         April 20, 2021 - Ministry of Forests re 2021 Tree Planting Season Information;

         April 21, 2021 - CN re Right-of-Way Vegetation Control Activities in Williams Lake Area; and

         April 22, 2021 - Statistics Canada re 2021 Census Process.

Mayor Cobb provided an COVID-19 Community Update

Members of Council and the CAO provided verbal updates as to their recent activities 

Council agreed to adjourn at 7:51pm

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