Friday, April 30, 2021

Xatśūll First Nation is reclaiming its name

Courtesy of Xat'sull First Nation:

Soda Creek Indian Band is reclaiming its name and will be known as Xatśūll First Nation going forward.

“The people of Xatśūll have occupied this territory since time immemorial. The name Xatśūll has meaningful, personal, and spiritual significance to our community. The people of Xatśūll are determined to restore traditional place names and revitalize languages after colonial policies and laws have endeavored to eliminate them. Through this process we are one step closer to doing that,” says Kúkwpi7 (Chief) Sheri Sellars.

In 2020, members were asked to vote on the name of the Band. They were given three options: Xatśūll First Nation, Xatśūll – Cmetēm First Nation and Soda Creek First Nation. Members chose Xatśūll First Nation over the other two options. It was the second vote held on a name change. In a previous vote, Xatśūll First Nation was also the preferred option.

The word Xatśūll means “on the edge” in Secwepemc.

Xatśūll consists of between 400-500 members just over 100 of whom live in our Cmetēm (Deep Creek) and Xatśūll (Soda Creek) communities. We’re the most northern Secwépemc Band. Together with Williams Lake First Nation, Canim Lake Band and Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation we form the Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw. We’re currently in Stage 5 (Negotiation to Finalize a Treaty) of Treaty negotiations with B.C. and Canada.

Along with our name, we’ve refreshed our logo.

The original artist, Richard Pop, was commissioned to repaint the logo in all its glory. He says that while it’s tough to remember what his inspiration came from all those years ago, salmon was our life and the falcon or eagle represented our people living off the salmon.

“We’re proud to have reverted to our roots and be known by our traditional name henceforth,” says Sellars. “By including Secwepemctsin in our name, we’re also adding back a bit of history and culture.”

Xatśūll runs a number of local businesses including the Whispering Willows Campsite, the Xatśūll Heritage Village, Xatśūll IT Services and Support, the Xatśūll Development Corporation and a ranch.

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