Thursday, May 20, 2021

Maple Drive Streetlighting Project Completed

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The nights are now a little brighter along Maple Drive in Quesnel, with the completion of a streetlight installation project initiated by the Cariboo Regional District, with the help of BC Hydro and funding from ICBC. A total of 23 LED streetlights were installed along roadway from Highway 97 to Plywood Road (4.2 kilometres), on pre-existing BC Hydro poles.

We are hopeful the new lights will enhance safety along Maple Drive, and make it easier for motorists, pedestrians, and other users of the corridor to see and be seen,” says Mary Sjostrom, Cariboo Regional District Director for Area A, where Maple Drive is located. “Residents of the area have been supportive of the project since it was first brought forward, in response to calls for more safety measures along the busy corridor. The successful alternative approval process we used to gauge public opinion before moving forward reinforced the local support for this initiative. We are especially glad to see the streetlights in place before the start of the school year next September.”

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia was also part of the project, providing $2,448 for project costs, as part of its funding of road safety initiatives. The LED lights installed by BC Hydro feature 3000K (Kelvin) bulbs for illumination; using 40 to 50 watts less energy per bulb and delivering a more natural white light compared to traditional sodium bulbs.

The cost to ratepayers for the street lighting will be $7.31 per $100,000 of residential home value. The owners of residential property parcels in the service area will pay annual fees based on this calculation. These monies will pay for the operation and ongoing maintenance of the streetlights

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