Monday, May 17, 2021

Post Event Report: Virtual 2021 NCLGA Convention/AGM

On May 5-6, 2021 -- I attended, with a number of my Cariboo Regional District Area Director colleagues, the virtual 2021 NCLGA/North Central Local Government Association Virtual AGM/Convention.  The Convention Agenda can be viewed here while the Annual Report to NCLGA Members/Resolutions Book can be viewed here

During the Convention, I attended the following sessions:

* Opening Ceremonies
* AGM Business (Adoption of Minutes of 2020 AGM, Approval of Budget for 2021-22 Fiscal Year and approval of NCLGA Auditor - KPMG, Acclamation of 2021-22 NCLGA Board of Directors')

* Resolutions Debate - 2 of 3 Cariboo RD Resolutions passed (Broadband Internet, Support for Independent Fire Departments) however the proposed NCLGA Resolution regarding Separate Provincial/Federal Government Grant Stream for Electoral Areas was rejected by NCLGA Delegates. 

As is NCLGA practice, vote counts per individual resolution considered are not available.  

* Keynote addresses from Municipal Affairs Minister Josie Osborne/Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation Minister Ravi Kahlon and Mental Health/Addictions Minister Sheila Malcolmson

* Panel Sessions attended -- Improving Access to Health Care Services in NCLGA Communities, Enhancing Forest Industry Resilience, Addressing Mental Health Issues, Addressing Homelessness/Affordable Housing and Managing LG Infrastructure/Rural Roads

* Closing Ceremonies (Address of new 2021-22 NCLGA President and introduction of new 2021-22 NCLGA Board and intro to 2022 NCLGA Host - City of Fort St John)

New 2021-22 NCLGA Board of Directors':

President - City of PG Councillor Cori Ramsay
1st Vice-President -- Cariboo RD Area "D" Director Steve Forseth
2nd Vice-President -- City of Williams Lake Councillor Sheila Boehm
Past President -- Fraser Lake Mayor Sarrah Storey

Directors at Large:

* Fort St James Councillor Judy Greenaway
* Terrace Councillor Lynne Christensen
* Northern Rockies RM Mayor Gary Foster

Regional Reps:

North Coast RD: Director Evan Putterill 
Peace River RD: Director Leonard Hiebert
Kitimat-Stikine RD: Director Dean Paranich
Bulkley-Nechako RD: Burns Lake Mayor Dolores Funk
RDFFG: Director Danielle Alan
Cariboo RD: Director Angie Delainey
Northern Rockies RM: Councillor Lorraine Gerwing

As you can see -- Cariboo-Chilcotin local governments' are well represented on the NCLGA Board with 2 holding "Table Officer" positions (Steve Forseth - 1st VP and Sheila Boehm - 2nd VP)

Cost to attend:

Registration - $150
NCLGA Convention Attendance Fees - $216


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