Tuesday, May 25, 2021

WL Council Highlights - May 25th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll and Smith

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Procedural Motion - Close Meeting to Public Attendance:

It was RESOLVED -- That members of the public are not permitted to physically attend the May 25th, 2021 Council meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the December 2nd Gathering and Events Public Health Officer Order. As per Ministerial Order No. M192 from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and, for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of the Community Charter, the meeting is not to be considered closed to the public and will be livestreamed on the City’s YouTube Channel (click here) to ensure openness and transparency

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the WL City Council Meetings held on May 11th, 2021 (Special/Regular) and May 18th (Regular) were both received/adopted

Delegations/Presentations/Public Consideration of Permits or Land Use Bylaws coming forward from Public Hearing:

1) Cathy Peters, a BC Anti-Human Trafficking Advocate, appeared before Council to discuss Awareness of Human/Child Sex Trafficking in BC - presentation here

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb thanked Ms. Peters for her time/information

It was then RESOLVED:

That the presentation of Cathy Peters, BC Anti Human Trafficking Educator, Speaker and Advocate to raise awareness of human sex trafficking, sexual exploitation and child sex trafficking in British Columbia be received for information and a letter of support be provided, as requested.. 


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated May 10, 13, 14 and 20, 2021

2) Council agreed to provide a letter of support to Dürfeld Log & Timber for their application to the province’ ‘Accelerating Manufacturing Scale-Up Grant’ program for their continued development of a log processing machine

3) Council received for information the report of the Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2336 held May 11, 2021

4) Council approved entering into an encroachment agreement with 607841 BC Ltd. for a twenty year term for six parking spaces encroaching on the Mackenzie Avenue North City boulevard and a portion of the existing building encroaching into the City boulevard on Pine Street, for the property located at 2000 Mackenzie Avenue North, legally described as Lot A, District Lot 8843, Cariboo District, Plan 31585, for a one-time contribution of $1,000, with all costs associated with registration being the responsibility of the property owner and that the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City of Williams Lake

5) Council authorized the purchase of a self-propelled snowblower for Airport operations from Airport Surplus in the amount of up to $520,000.00

6) Council adopted the following Bylaws as follows:

a) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2336, 2021 for property at 2000 Mackenzie Avenue North

b) Fee Amendment Bylaw No. 2350, 2021

7) Council endorsed 2 Recommendations from a previously held Committee of the Whole meeting as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #13-2021 and the report of the Corporate Officer dated May 7, 2021, the proposed Security Surveillance Policy be endorsed as amended to clarify the intent of the policy is to regulate "Security Cameras" as opposed to community/operational cameras and that the timeframe for retaining video footage be amended to "up to 60 days"

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #14-2021 and the report of the Chief Building Inspector dated May 14, 2021, Council adopt the proposed policy regarding placement of Section 57 and 58 Notices on Title

8) Council dealt with correspondence, as follows:

a) Received the response letter from the Attorney General to MLA Oakes dated May 14, 2021 regarding repeat offenders and public safety, the response letter from the Attorney General to the City of Williams Lake dated May 11, 2021 regarding electronic monitoring and a public inquiry into the sentencing of repeat offenders, and the response letter from the Office of the Prime Minister dated April 27, 2021

b) Approved the private mural proposal for the side of the building located at 871 Mackenzie Avenue, pursuant to Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 2194; and further, this information be forwarded to the mural policy working group for information

c) Approval be given for the 2021 "Reverse" Graduation Parade scheduled for Saturday, June 12, 2021 beginning at 3:00 PM, along the route as outlined and subject to RCMP approval and meeting the requirements of the public health office; and further, emergency services be so advised and staff be directed to coordinate barricades for this event with the Dry Grad Parade Committee to ensure all safety and access requirements are met

9) Council proclaimed "Stampede Spirit Week from June 1st - July 4th, 2021 in the City of Williams Lake - click here

10) Council received the Council Information Package as of May 25th, 2021, as follows:

 May 2021 - Proclaiming May as Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month; 
 May 7, 2021 - CRD Board Highlights; 
 May 10, 2021 - District of Mackenzie re Support for National 3-Digit Suicide Prevention Hotline; 
 May 11, 2021 - District of Tofino re Support for Expedient and Resourced Implementation of the Old-Growth Strategic Review; 
 May 11, 2021 - City of Langford re Support for Authority and Training for Hospital Security Staff; 
 May 11, 2021 - Media Release re Signing Up for the Cariboo Chilcotin Emergency Notification System; and 
 May 17, 2021 - District of North Vancouver re BC Government's Use of Provincial Paramountcy to Undermine Local Government Bylaws

Members of Council provided oral reports on their recent activities... 

Council adjourned at 6:53pm

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