Friday, June 25, 2021

Heatwave Safety Reminder from #CaribooRD

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Record-breaking temperatures and an increase in travel and outdoor recreation are both in the forecast for the Cariboo region in the coming days. With that in mind, the Cariboo Regional District is reminding residents and visitors that a few simple habits can make the difference between an enjoyable day in the outdoors and a life-altering tragedy. Be smart and make good choices such as:

Being Prepared for the Heat

If you are heading into the outdoors, or even just tackling some yard work, make sure you are prepared for the heat. Have plenty of fluids on-hand and know the signs of heat stroke and exhaustion.

Practicing Fire Safety

Fire restrictions are now in place around the province. Know what is allowed in your area. With extremely dry weather in the forecast, extreme caution is needed with campfires, fireworks, and outdoor cooking. Current wildfire activity can be monitored on the provincial government’s BC Wildfire Dashboard.

Staying Safe on the Water

Alcohol and boating do not mix. Personal Flotation Devices and being on the water are an excellent combination however. Staying sober and wearing your PFD are smart choices for a great day on the water.

Additional resources for emergency preparedness, reporting, and recovery can be found at:

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