Thursday, June 3, 2021

June 3rd, 2021 BC #COVID-19 Numbers Update

Joint Statement from BC's Provincial Health Officer/Minister of Health (Dr. Bonnie Henry/Hon. Adrian Dix):

“Today, we are reporting that 71.8% of all adults in B.C. and 68.9% of those 12 and older have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. In total, 3,426,827 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in B.C., 229,585 of which are second doses.

“We have had 199 new cases of COVID-19, including three epi-linked cases, for a total of 144,866 cases in British Columbia.

“Of the new cases, 68 are in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, 89 are in the Fraser Health region, two are in the Island Health region, 34 are in the Interior Health region, six are in the Northern Health region and there are no new cases of people who reside outside of Canada.

“There are currently 2,563 active cases of COVID-19 in the province, and a further 140,537 people who tested positive have recovered. Of the active cases, 224 individuals are currently hospitalized, 62 of whom are in intensive care. The remaining people with COVID-19 are recovering at home in self-isolation.

“There have been two new COVID-19 related deaths, for a total of 1,709 deaths in British Columbia. Our condolences are with the family, friends and caregivers of the people who have died as a result of COVID-19.

“Being fully immunized – with both doses of your COVID-19 vaccine – is the most powerful tool to protect yourself, your loved ones and communities. For everyone who has registered and been immunized or is booked for their first vaccine, we thank you for taking this critical step.

“For the thousands upon thousands of people who have been vaccinated over the last few months, know that your efforts have slowed transmission and saved lives.

“Today, we are sharing the details of the AstraZeneca Dose 2 approach, which is based on scientific evidence and the guidance of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization and our own B.C. immunization committee.

“If you have received the AstraZeneca vaccine, you have the choice to get another AstraZeneca vaccine, or you can choose to have an mRNA vaccine instead.

“Starting this coming Monday, and like the mRNA vaccines, everyone who has received the AstraZeneca vaccine will be notified to book their second vaccine after eight weeks. Once that notification goes out, you can book your vaccine.

“If you received your vaccine at a pharmacy, the pharmacy will contact you to book your next appointment. We ask that you please don’t contact the pharmacies to book – they will contact you.

“If you decide to have an mRNA vaccine instead, you’ll be able to book online for an appointment at one of our mass clinics.

“Every dose equals a vaccine appointment and we’re using every available dose of vaccine we have – every week. Because so many people in B.C. are signing up to get their vaccines, our clinics are busy, which may mean your appointment could be two or three weeks after you are invited to book.

“What is important to know is that we have available supply for everyone over 12 in B.C. to be fully immunized with their first and second doses by the end of August.

“Just as using your layers of protection has helped to keep our communities safe, so too does getting fully immunized. Together, we will all safely and confidently move forward to brighter days ahead.”

Learn More:

BC’s Restart plan

To see the May 25, 2021, presentation, visit:

The latest vaccine information:

Register for your vaccine now: Or call 1 833 838-2323

For vaccine information, visit the BCCDC dashboard: Or:

Provincial health officer's orders and guidance:

To see the May 20, 2021, presentation, visit:


Guidance on restrictions:

The latest updates, guidance and information on COVID-19, and where to get tested:

The latest medical updates, including case counts, prevention, risks and to find a testing centre near you:
Or follow @CDCofBC on Twitter.

Mental health support:

Mental health and anxiety support: 

Non-health related information:

Financial, child care and education support, travel, transportation and essential service information:
Or call 1 888 COVID19 (1 888 268-4319) between 7:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Pacific time), seven days a week.

COVID-19 exposure events, updates and information by health authority, visit:
BCCDC (flights, work sites, etc):
Fraser Health:
Interior Health:
Island Health:
Northern Health:
Vancouver Coastal Health:

For the latest videos and livestreaming of COVID-19 media availabilities, visit:

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