Friday, June 4, 2021

Local Gov't Mtgs - Week of June 7-11, 2021

The following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week (June 7-11, 2021) as follows:

Williams Lake - Regular Council meeting on Tuesday, June 8th at 6pm.  Meeting to be webcasted live via the City's YouTube channel (click here) but public/media attendance still prohibited, due to COVID-19 pandemic public health orders.  On the Agenda:

* Presentation: new Williams Lake RCMP Detachment Commander (Insp. Myron Friesen)

* Amendments to Council Purchasing Policy #138
* Consider approval of DVP #2-2021 (Lyons/1607 Juniper St)
* BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement 2021/22 - for approval
Williams Lake Golf & Tennis Club - Letter of Support Request for NDIT Grant
Central Cariboo Housing Capacity and Gap Analysis Report - For Approval (Editor's Note -- this matter will also be considered at the Cariboo Regional District Board's June 18th Meeting)

* Number of Public Works Contract Awards
* Endorsement of 5 Recommendations from June 1st Committee of the Whole meeting

View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Meetings noted below via electronic means & public/media attendance still prohibited, due to COVID-19 pandemic public health orders.  

1) Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, June 8th at 6:30pm

* Letter from Cariboo Radio.Com re: Executive Director position w/South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce

* BC PNP Entrepreneur Program

View the full Agenda here
2) Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, June 8th at 7pm

* Receipt/Approval of 2020 Annual Report
* By-Law Officer's Report -- May 2021
* PSO Grad Route - for approval
* Ec Dev Strategy for 2021 and onward
* Board of Variance Appointments
* Hun City Bike Club - Trail Improvements
* 2 Bylaws for Adoption (Animal Control & COVID-19 Safe Restart Reserve Fund) 

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meetings as noted below:

1) North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus -- Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 8th at 3pm via electronic means.  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Emcon Services re: Update (Editor's Note -- as Emcon operates in half of Area "D" of the Cariboo Regional District -- I have requested and received approval from the North Cariboo Rural Caucus Chair (Dir. Mary Sjostrom) to participate in Caucus's discussion on this item only

* Discussion Item -- Quesnel Airport Advisory Committee Update (Dir. J. Glassford)

View the full Agenda here

2) North Cariboo Joint Committee - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 8th at 5:30pm via electronic means.  On the Agenda:

* Alex Fraser Park - Capital Budget Amendment
* Update on Pool Referendum/Public Engagement 

View the full Agenda here 

3) South Cariboo Joint Committee - Regular Meeting on Thursday, June 10th at 12pm, via electronic means.  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Dawson Road Maintenance re: Update

* Report of 100 Mile House Curling Club re: 2020-21 Annual Report
* South Cariboo Recreation Budget Amendment/Ceiling Repair at South Cariboo Recreation Centre

View the full Agenda here

Upcoming Public Engagement Sessions:

1) Tuesday, June 8th from 12-1pm and 4:30-5:30pm re: Virtual Cariboo Regional District Solid Waste Plan Review.  To register, click here

2) Thursday, June 10th at 7pm -- North Cariboo Pool Referendum Facebook Live Event (Public Q&A Session) -- to watch/participate, click here

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