Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - May 2021

In the month of May 2021 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* May 3rd - Participate in NCLGA Virtual Delegation - Hon. David Eby (BC's Attorney-General)

* May 5-6 -- 66th Annual/2021 NCLGA/North Central Local Government Association's Virtual AGM/Convention

* May 7th - Meeting of the Cariboo Regional District Board

* May 10th - Zoom meeting with Port McNeill Mayor Gaby Wickstrom

* May 11th - Attend CCACS Board of Directors' meeting, as Central Cariboo CRD Liaison

* May 26th - Participate in NCLGA Virtual Delegation - Hon. Rob Fleming and Bowinn Ma (BC's Transportation Minister/Minister of State - Infrastructure) and then Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting

* May 28th -- Meetings of the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District and Cariboo Regional District Boards'
* May 31st - Day 1 of FCM's Virtual 2021 Convention/AGM (this goes until June 4th)

In addition, responded to inquiries from #CaribooRD Area D residents' via phone, text or social media

For expenses submitted in the month of May 2021:

* May 5-6 (as referenced above) -- $216

* May 7th (as referenced above) -- $206

* May 28th (as referenced above) -- $206


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