Monday, June 28, 2021

Williams Lake Cooling Centers Offered During Heat Wave

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

With the heat wave continuing this week, the Cariboo Community Church at 35 Oliver Street is opening its doors to those in need of temporary relief. A cooling center will be available from 12 pm to 7 pm on Monday, June 28 and Tuesday, June 29, and from 12 pm to 3 pm for the remainder of the week. Water will be provided.

As well, the Salvation Army drop in center is open at 272 Borland Street from 9 am to 3 pm, Monday to Friday.

All COVID protocols will be followed for those visiting the drop-in centers.

Those at higher risk of heat stroke are those who are socially disadvantaged/homeless, older adults, infants and young children, and people with chronic illnesses. Everyone is urged to be aware of the early warning signs of heat stroke, including high body temperature, dizziness/fainting, rapid breathing and heartbeat, extreme thirst, decreased urination with unusually dark urine, and nausea/vomiting.

The City would like to thank Cariboo Community Church, the Salvation Army, and Emergency Support Services volunteers for their assistance during this challenging time.

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