Tuesday, June 8, 2021

WL Council Highlights - June 8th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors S. Boehm, I. Bonnell, M. Brenner, J. Ryll C. Smith in Council Chambers and Councillor S. Nelson via Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Mayor Cobb recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Secwepemc (Shuswap) territory

Procedural Motion - Close Meeting to Public Attendance:

RESOLVED: That members of the public are not permitted to physically attend the June 8, 2021 Council meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the December 2nd Gathering and Events Public Health Officer Order. As per Ministerial Order No. M192 from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and, for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of the Community Charter, the meeting is not to be considered closed to the public and will be livestreamed on the City’s YouTube Channel to ensure openness and transparency.

Meeting Agenda approved with 1 Late Item

Minutes of the WL City Council meeting held May 25th, 2021 were received/adopted


1) Warren Brown, Chief Superintendent - RCMP North District appeared via Zoom to introduce the New Officer in Charge of the Williams Lake RCMP Detachment, Inspector Myron Friesen

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb thanked Chief Superintendent Brown and Inspector Friesen for their time/information


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated May 27, 28 and June 3 and 4, 2021

2) Council agreed to amend its' Council Policy #138 (Purchasing Policy) to permit electronic receipt of tenders and an option to donate surplus/salvage materials and equipment to non-profit organizations before being otherwise disposed of.

3) Council approved Development Variance Permit #2-2021 for property at 1607 Juniper Street

4) Council ratified an email poll authorizing a letter of support to OLI-Wood Timber Products (subsidiary of OT Timber Frames) for their application to the province’ ‘Accelerating Manufacturing Scale-Up Grant’ program for their development of a kiln drying service for the value-added wood manufacturing sector in the Cariboo Region

5) Council approved the 2021/2022 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit

6) Council received a request from from T.R. Underwood Engineering Ltd. to enter into an encroachment agreement for a portion of the existing building encroaching into the City boulevard on Borland Street, for the property located at 452 Borland Street and directed City Staff to issue public notice of the application for encroachment based on a 20-year agreement for a one-time contribution of $1,000 with all costs associated with the execution of the agreement being the responsibility of the property owner

7) Council approved the Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption application from T.R. Underwood Engineering Ltd. for façade improvements, new signage, parking area upgrades and addition to the building located at 452 Borland Street, issuing a certificate for the 2021 property value increase

8) Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the Williams Lake Golf and Tennis Club for their application to the 2021 Northern Development Initiatives Trust (NDIT) ‘Community Places’ Fund

9)  Council agreed to endorse the Central Cariboo Housing Capacity and Gap Analysis Report dated April 2021 prepared by CitySpaces Consulting

Councillor Smith declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left the meeting at 6:20pm

10) Council approved the contract for Bus Shelter Maintenance and Advertising to C.C.R. Productions Ltd. (Tell-Tale Signs and Printing) for a Three-Year Term effective May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2024

Councillor C. Smith returned to the meeting at 6:21pm

11) Council approved the purchase of a 2021 one-ton regular cab 4X4 pick-up truck with combination service/dump insert body and front plough v-blade from Lake City Ford Sales Ltd. for the purchase price of $100,635.00, plus applicable taxes.

12)  Council approved the purchase of a 2021 half ton extended cab 4x4 pick-up truck with canopy from Lake City Ford Sales Ltd. for the purchase price of $59,626.00, plus applicable taxes, with an additional $2,100.00 plus applicable taxes for a high-rise, full double door canopy

13)  Council award the purchase of thirty-two three-tier and sixteen two-tier plastic HDPE lockers for the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex pool changing rooms to AccessSMT Holdings LTD. for the purchase price of $75,420.00, plus applicable taxes

14) Council endorsed the following recommendations from its' June 1st, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #15-2021 and the report of the Director of Protective Services dated May 27, 2021, Council approve extending the Memorandum of Agreement with the Cariboo Friendship Society for their Lease of the “Longhouse” located in the Stampede Park to temporarily allow the site to be used for emergency shelter space, should it be required due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, for an additional 6 months through November 30, 2021.

Council divided - Above motion approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll and Smith (6)
Opposed - Mayor W. Cobb (1) 

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #16-2021 and General Governance Committee Report #01- 2021, Council support allocating funds in future years for all Council members to attend the North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) and Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) conferences and funds for 2-3 members of Council to attend the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) annual convention, with specific costs to be reviewed and approved annually as part of the budget processes.

c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Report #17-2021 and the report of the Economic Development Officer dated May 28, 2021, Council authorize renewal of the City of Williams Lake’s participation in the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Entrepreneur Immigration (EI) Regional Pilot project.

d) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #18-2021, Staff be directed to provide Council with an information report on the status on any actions or plans the City of Williams Lake is undertaking or can be advancing with respect to truth and reconciliation with our local First Nations.

e) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #19-2021, Staff be directed to contact local area First Nations leaders to facilitate a Council to Council collective meeting to discuss how we move forward together and what role the City of Williams Lake can play in directing our senior levels of government with clear and concise directions towards reconciliation, such as some of those laid out in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports.

f) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #20-2021, Mayor Cobb write a letter to the Prime Minister supporting the call from the City of Vancouver to provide all necessary funding and support for all residential school sites in Canada to be expertly examined under the guidance of local First Nations and Knowledge Keepers so that we can begin to identify the thousands of children we know are unaccounted for and attempt to bring them home to their families and their traditional territories.

15) Late Item - Council approved the award of contract for the removal of the rental bridges in the Williams Lake River Valley and the temporary installation of the bridges purchased in March of this year to Peterson Contracting Ltd. for a total of $112,591.92, including applicable taxes, and authorize waiving of the Purchasing Policy No. 138 for this work

16) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:

 May 3, 2021 - Letter from Pauline MacBurney re Request for Maintenance and Picnic Shelter at Scout Island; 
 May 28, 2021 - UBCM re 2021 City of Williams Lake NCLGA Resolutions to be Presented at September UBCM Convention; 
 May 28, 2021 - Civic Resolution Tribunal re Information for Motor Vehicle Accident Disputes; 
 May 28, 2021 - CRD Board Highlights; 
 May 28, 2021 - CRD News Release re Solid Waste Management Plans to Talk Less Trash; 
 May 31, 2021 - Response from Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation re City's correspondence on Recent Employment Impacts at Gibraltar Mines Limited; 
 June 1, 2021 - City of Prince George re Supplemental Letter Regarding Northern BC IHIT Model; and 
 June 4, 2021 - City of Langley re Support for National 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Line Initiative.

Members of Council & CAO provided verbal reports as to their recent activities .. 

Council agreed to adjourn at 6:51pm

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