Saturday, July 24, 2021

Canim Lake South to Mahood Lake to Evac ALERT (Cariboo RD - Area "H")

Courtesy of the Cariboo RD Emergency Operations Centre:

Pursuant to the BC Emergency Program Act, the evacuation ORDER in the Canim Lake S to Mahood Lake area issued on July 14, 2021 at 10:30 am is being rescinded and replaced by the following Evacuation ALERT Area by the Cariboo Regional District at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), effective immediately

Effective immediately residents are allowed to return to the area. The area is for 482 parcels and covers 26,395 hectares.

Please consult DriveBC or call 1800-550-4997 for current road information to plan the safest, quickest return route.

Residents returning:

Please watch for livestock and wildlife on roads.

Wildfires remain active and firefighting activities continue in the area. It is important for residents to stay out of active wildfire areas. Interfering in an active fire area will result in crews ceasing ground and air operations potentially endangering nearby properties.

Since these areas remain on evacuation alert, residents must be prepared in case the area receives a future evacuation order on short notice. Local governments may not have time to go door-to-door should a new evacuation order be issued. Information about what to do when on evacuation alert is listed below.

It is also important to note that air quality remains poor as a result of smoke from nearby fire activity. Those with respiratory issues, small children and the elderly should consider this before they choose to return to the area.

Residents returning to the area are encouraged to register for the Cariboo Chilcotin Emergency Notification System to receive a text, call or email regarding Evacuation Alerts and Orders:

Remaining On Evacuation Alert

Since the area remains on evacuation alert, residents should remain prepared for an evacuation by:

  • Have a plan to transport all family members or co-workers outside the area, should the area be brought back under evacuation order.
  • Keep essential items readily available for a quick departure, including medications, eyeglasses, valuable papers (i.e. insurance), immediate care needs for dependents and, if you choose, keepsakes (photographs, etc).
  • Ensure that any dependents or pets are prepared for departure.
  • Ensure that pets and livestock remain in a safe area.
  • Ensure that you have accommodation options for your family, if possible. A Reception Centre will be made available again if required.
  • In the event you are evacuated, do not shut off your natural gas. For more information, visit
  • Monitor reliable news sources for evacuation order information and the CRD’s channels on Facebook and Further information will be issued as it becomes available.

For Cariboo Regional District information, please visit or or @CaribooRD or call the CRD’s emergency information line at 1-866-759-4977 (8:30 am – 6:00 pm daily).

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