Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Cariboo-Chilcotin Region communities benefit from economic recovery funding

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

People living in British Columbia’s Cariboo region are benefiting from nearly $4 million in transportation investments made to support the region during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through StrongerBC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan, 13 projects ranging from transportation upgrades in rural and remote communities to climate adaptation projects have been completed. Throughout the province, more than 180 projects received economic recovery funding.

“Investment in our transportation infrastructure has never been more important as we focus on recovery from the pandemic,” said the Hon. Rob Fleming, BC's Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “These infrastructure recovery projects are important for communities as they improve access to crucial services and provide good jobs that lay the foundation for strong economic growth.”

Through StrongerBC, the Province has provided:

  • nearly $1 million to support projects focused on climate adaptation to improve the resiliency of the region’s highway network and decrease the negative effects of climate events, including flooding, wildfires and erosion. Projects included riverbank erosion protection, creek channel training, culvert upsizing, flood protection works, slope erosion protection and avalanche system maintenance; and
  • more than $3 million to support projects focused on upgrading side and secondary roads in rural and remote communities. These projects were part of a $418-million investment to revitalize community infrastructure, enhance connections between communities and help get people back to work. Projects included paving, shoulder widening, lighting installation and crosswalk markings.

One project that received funding is Highline Road near Lillooet. This remote, winding road included considerable brushing and gravel production to clear sightlines, improve drainage and strengthen the road. The delivery of this project was in collaboration with the N’Quatqua Nation, which provided traffic control.

StrongerBC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan is one of the ways government is working to support businesses impacted by the pandemic, while building toward a more innovative, sustainable and inclusive economic future.

Learn More:

Learn more about B.C.'s strategy for climate adaptation:

Learn more about B.C.’s economic recovery plan, StrongerBC:

Background on work completed in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region here

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