Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Highlights - July 13th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb (Chair) and Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson and Smith 

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held June 1st, 2021 were received/adopted


1) Rehan Siddiqui, Williams Lake Muslim Community re Request for Location to Worship, Multi-Faith Engagement with the Community 

Following the presentation, a Question/Answer period period ensued... 

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information 


That the presentation from Rehan Siddiqui, Williams Lake Muslim Community, regarding a request for a location to worship and multi-faith engagement with the local community be received for information. 

2) Dr. Thor Jensen, Dr. Hadi Dowlatabadi, Kamel Singh of ReSeed Capital re Request for Letter of Support for GHG Reduction Program 

 Following the presentation, a Question/Answer period period ensued... 

 The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information 


That the presentation of Dr. Jensen, Dr. Dowlatabadi and Kamal Singh regarding a request for a letter of support be received for information.


1) Travel Expense and Council Compensation Policy Updates - Attendance at Virtual Events/Mileage

The Committee considered a report of the Executive Assistant (click here)
Discussion ensued thereon... 


That the Committee recommend to Council:

That pursuant to the report of the Executive Assistant dated July 6, 2021, Council approve the following amendments to Travel Expense & Council Compensation Policy No. 193 as follows:


Council members shall receive $120.00 per day for in-person or virtual attendance at conferences, conventions and meetings, including travel days, as authorized by Council Resolution.

Council members shall receive $60 for half-day in-person or virtual attendance at conference, conventions and meetings.


Vehicles – Mileage to be in accordance with Province of British Columbia’s mileage rate, adjusted annually on January 1 according to the current Provincial rate.

2) Council Meeting Update - Phase 3 Reopening

The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Officer (click here

Discussion ensued thereon... 


That the Committee recommend to Council:

That the report of the Corporate Officer dated July 8, 2021 regarding Phase 3 of reopening for Council and Committee meetings be received for information.

3) Discussion - First Nations Reconciliation


The Committee considered a joint report from Councillors J. Ryll and C. Smith (click here)

Discussion ensued thereon...


That the Committee recommend to Council:

That the topic of flying the Secwepemc Flag at Williams Lake City Hall be referred to the "Council to Council" Forum with Williams Lake FN being held July 26th, 2021

The Committee adjourned at 7:00pm

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