Saturday, July 17, 2021

Williams Lake City Council Urges Province to Declare Provincial State of Emergency

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

In response to the existing local states of emergency and wildfires burning in multiple regions in the province, the City of Williams Lake joins the Cariboo Regional District, District of 100 Mile, and other BC local governments to urge the Province of British Columbia to declare a provincial state of emergency. 

“Declaring a provincial state of emergency helps ensure that communities in need of resources have the means to assist the response efforts and support those who are displaced and affected by the fires,” said Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “With the hot, dry weather continuing, we must be prepared to hit these fires hard and get the situation under control the best we can.” 

The City of Williams Lake will continue to monitor the situation from its Emergency Operations Centre and will provide updates as they are available.

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