Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Highlights - Aug 24th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb (Chair); Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll, Smith

Meeting called to order at 6pm

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Secwépemc (Shuswap) territory

Meeting Agenda approved

Minutes or Notes of meetings of Special Committee of the Whole held July 13,22,27 and August 4th, 2021 were received and adopted


Kevin Bourdon, Williams Lake Pickleball Club President appeared before the Committee to discuss a proposal for Permanent Pickleball Courts in Williams Lake

Following the presentation - a Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Mr. Bourdon for his time/information

Committee Recommendation to City Council:

That the letter from Kevin Bourdon, Williams Lake Pickleball Club President, dated August 20, 2021 requesting Council consideration be given to the Club's proposal for permanent pickleball courts in Williams Lake be received and endorsed at the current Tennis Court location on 4th Avenue and $20,000 be allocated in the 2022 budget for the project


1) Next Steps re: Dog Creek Road

The Committee was presented with a report from the Corporate Officer
Discussion ensued thereon...

Committee Recommendation to City Council:

That the report of the Corporate Officer dated August 20th be received and Council authorize:

a) a digital button on the City's website to connect Dog Creek Road residents', outside the City of Williams Lake, with Provincial Ministries on this matter so that they can provide their direct input

b) "gift" the City of Williams Lake portion of Dog Creek Road to the Province of British Columbia

c) a process to start a Road Closure Bylaw for consideration of 1st and 2nd Readings for the City of Williams Lake portion of Dog Creek Road

On Item "c" -- the Committee divided.  Motion agreed to by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb and Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner 
Opposed - Councillors S. Nelson, J. Ryll and C. Smith

2) Central Cariboo Arts Centre Building Energy Efficiency Upgrades 

The Committee was presented with a report from the Director of Municipal Services
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Committee Recommendation to City Council:

That pursuant to the report of the Director of Municipal Services dated August 17, 2021, Council approve the addition of the Central Cariboo Arts Centre building efficiency upgrades project (including LED lighting, door and window replacements and HVAC system upgrades) to the City’s 2021 capital plan on condition that the project is fully funded in the amount of $150,000 by the funds allocated from the Cariboo Regional District’s Community Works Funding

3) 2022 Budget & 2022-27 Five Year Financial Plan Timeline and Direction

The Committee was presented with a report from the Chief Financial Officer
Discussion ensued thereon

Committee Recommendation to City Council:

That pursuant to the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated August 9, 2021, Council approve the proposed 2022 Budget & five-year financial plan timeline 

The Committee adjourned at 7:26pm

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