Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Special Committee of the Whole (Williams Lake City Council) Meeting Today!

At 12:00 noon today -- Williams Lake City Council, meeting in Committee of the Whole, will hold a special meeting in Williams Lake City Council Chambers (450 Mart Street) to discuss the next steps in respect of the current condition of the City of Williams Lake's portion of Dog Creek Road

The Committee will consider a report of the City's CAO and Director of Municipal Services as to next steps.  Recommendations to the Committee include:

1) Maintain Status Quo (continue road maintenance cost of $30-40,000 per year)

2) Direct City Staff to start process to enable paving works on the City portion of Dog Creek Road in 2021

3) Seek Provincial Dollars to complete remediation works required (underlying causes of the groundwater and landslide issues in the area)

4) Direct City Staff to begin the road closure process for the City portion of Dog Creek Road

Options #3 or #4 are preferred recommendations from City Staff to the Committee

The full City Staff report under consideration at today's meeting can be viewed here

I am advised that the meeting today will be livestreamed and recorded for future viewing via the City's YouTube account at


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