Friday, August 27, 2021

Williams Lake City Council meets Tuesday!

On Tuesday - Williams Lake City Council will meet at 6pm on Tuesday, August 31st.  The meeting will be livestreamed, via YouTube, here as well as watching live in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St), there is a maximum of 40 people/media allowed and masks ARE required while watching in the Public Gallery of Williams Lake City Council Chambers.  On the Agenda:

* Encroachment Agreement - 0728823 BC Ltd. (Williams Lake Smiles) - 249 Barnard Street - for Approval 

* Emergency Booster Station Design - Award of Contract 

* Wayfinding Signs Design Approval 

* Mural & Building Upgrade Approval Request - Downtown Williams Lake BIA 
* CMRC Arena Concession Agreement Renewal Extension 

* Recommendations for endorsement from Aug 24th Committee of the Whole meeting 

* Community Support for Inaugural National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Event - September 30, 2021 

* Alley Closure Request for Book Signing Event - September 18, 2021 

* Response from Minister re Request for Speed Review of Toop Road / Highway 97 Intersection 

* Proclamations -- "National Forest Week", "Rail Safety Week" and "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day" 

View the full Agenda here

All other Local Governments' and Boards' of Education are off next week and won't resume their meeting until the week of September 6-10th, 2021


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