Thursday, September 16, 2021

2 Cariboo RD UBCM Resolutions pass at 2021 UBCM Convention

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Two motions from the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) -- highlighting a need for improved broadband access and regulatory changes to assist independent fire halls, have passed at the 2021 Union of BC Municipalities convention.

Resolution EB47 (Ensuring Access to Broadband and Cellular Services in BC) directs the UBCM to “lobby the federal and provincial governments to directly invest in the ownership and development of the needed capital infrastructure to facilitate effective, efficient and cost-effective broadband services in rural and remote communities where a private sector business case does not exist.”

Resolution NR9 (Funding for Independent Fire Services) will see the UBCM “lobby the provincial government for specific legal and statutory measures designed to remove any and all legal or financial risk from local government for providing financial or other supports to independent fire services.”

“The CRD’s motions reflect the challenges we face in the region,” notes Cariboo Regional District Chair Margo Wagner. “But there are countless small, rural communities in British Columbia with similar concerns. It is our hope that lobbying efforts by the UBCM will help higher levels of government better understand the challenges faced in rural British Columbia and spur a timely, effective response.”

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