Monday, September 13, 2021

Cariboo RD seeks business input on solid waste management

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Nearly 900 Cariboo residents participated in a recent survey, providing input on the region’s current solid waste system and what they’d like to see in the future. To promote the survey participants were eligible to win ten prizes of $100 gift certificates to a local business of their choice. Winners were chosen in the North, Central-Chilcotin, and South Cariboo regions.

“Residents showed support for existing aspects of the current waste management system, such as recycling depots and share sheds,” commented CRD Solid Waste Management Committee Chair and Area G Director Al Richmond. “They also identified future needs ‑ with commercial recycling and food waste diversion rated as top priorities. The Advisory Committee is appreciative of everyone’s input and will use the survey results to inform the Solid Waste Management Plan Update.”

A workplace survey (September 10 through October 12) will seek input from owners, managers, or staff working at Cariboo businesses and institutions. The survey will identify the kinds of waste Cariboo businesses are generating and identify opportunities to work together to divert recyclables and compostable materials from the landfill. Businesses currently account for 43% of the 45,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste generated annually in the Cariboo region.

Please click here to access the online workplace survey and learn more about the Solid Waste Management Plan update.

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