Monday, September 20, 2021

John MacLean recognized for 30 years in BC Local Government Administration

Earlier this month -- the LGMA of BC or the BC Local Government Management Association who represents the professional, apolitical side of local government recognized some of its' members for their long, dedicated service in local government administration or recognize their professional work in local government -  more on this here 

Cariboo Regional District CAO/Chief Administrative Officer John MacLean was recently recognized by the LGMA for his 30 years of service in local government administration, including his 1st stint with the Cariboo RD back in the late 90's/early 2000's.  He was also CAO for a number of municipalities and RD's including his last RD in Kootenay-Boundary RD before coming back to Cariboo RD in Fall 2017 

I know that he is a mentor to many CAO's in either BC Local Government/Indigenous Government and his lengthy service record is to be commended and I know I have come to rely on his institutional knowledge when I have issues in my Electoral Area

Very well done, John!

John MacLean, Cariboo RD CAO

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