Thursday, September 16, 2021

South Cariboo Rural Caucus/Joint Committee meets today!

The South Cariboo Joint Committee/Rural Caucus will be holding meetings this afternoon, via electronic means, as follows:

South Cariboo Joint Committee - 4:30pm, September 16th: [ 100 Mile House Municipal Council & Cariboo RD Areas G,H,L Directors]

* Discussion Items: 

i) Solar Panel Project at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre, 

ii) South Cariboo Recreation & Culture Business and Financial Plan 

iii) 100 Mile House Outdoor Rink

View the full Agenda here

South Cariboo Rural Caucus - 5:15pm, September 16th: [Cariboo RD Areas G,H,L Directors']

* Discussion Item: South Cariboo Economic Development Service, Business Plan

View the full Agenda here

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