Wednesday, October 27, 2021

2022 Cariboo RD Area "D" Community Survey Results

Earlier this month -- I launched my annual community survey for the unincorporated communities within Cariboo Regional District - Electoral Area "D".  

I received 45 Distinct Results from the communities of Soda Creek Road, Mile 168 Rd, Commodore Heights, Pine Valley, Wildwood, Deep Creek, Tyee Lake, Xat’sull FN (Deep Creek Reserve), Tyee Lake, Soda Creek Valley and McLeese Lake

General themes from the survey included:

* Roads/Drainage Issues/Concerns
Logging Practices
* Removal of Fir Beetle infected wood
* Connectivity within Area “D of the Regional District
* Speeding in unincorporated communities, 
* Trail Expansion
* Consideration of Transit Bus from Wildwood – City of Williams Lake

Over the next year -- I will work on the raised matters as best I can over the next year.  I have already arranged meetings with both MOTI - Cariboo District & Telus in the month of November to discuss the specific concerns raised 

I sincerely thank all of the 45 people who took the time to participate in the survey.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated in serving the residents' of Cariboo RD - Area "D" to the best of my ability 

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