Friday, October 15, 2021

City of WL Aquatic Vegetation Harvester Ready for Use

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

City staff will begin clearing undesired vegetation from the shoreline of Williams Lake early next week at key access points throughout the lake.

Operators spent the week on the water in a series of test runs of the refurbished lake harvesting vessel, which was purchased by the City last summer.

Vegetation harvesting will commence on Monday, October 18, 2021 at four areas of the lake: the Scout Island beach, the Scout Island and Dutch Point boat launches, and within the vicinity of the aerodrome along the lake’s north shore used for float plane landing.

The City has been issued a two-year permit from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development to operate the harvester from October 18 until freeze up. Future lake harvesting areas would require further discussions with the ministry – something the City plans to pursue.

Under the permit, City crews have also worked with trained professionals to ensure proper handling of western painted turtles living in the lake, should they be encountered.

“The City has worked with the Province and relevant stakeholders, including local First Nations and the Williams Lake Field Naturalists, to ensure the process has an extremely limited impact on the lake environment,” says Chief Administrative Officer Gary Muraca. “Williams Lake City Council is excited to get this project up and running, and has been extremely supportive throughout the process.”

Once vegetation has been harvested it will be unloaded at the Scout Island boat launch ramp, prior to being transferred to the Williams Lake landfill.

The City views the lake vegetation harvesting as a positive step toward improving boating and swimming safety, as well as its ability to attract visitors to the area.

For more information contact Matt Sutherland, Manager of Public Works, at or 250-392-1781.

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