Friday, November 19, 2021

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Nov 19th mtg

Present: Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, J. Massier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, C. Mernett, W. Macdonald, B. Simpson, M. Campsall and Alternate Director J. Ryll (Williams Lake) 

The Deputy CAO called the meeting to order at 10:04am

The Deputy CAO called for nominations for Cariboo Regional District Board Chair for the 2021-22 term

Director M. Wagner nominated.  Director M. Wagner accepted her nomination

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for further nominations.  None received.  Director M. Wagner declared Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for the 2021/22 term, by acclamation

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for nominations for Cariboo Regional District Board Vice-Chair for the 2021-22 term.  Director J. Massier nominated.  No other nominations received.  Director J. Massier declared Vice-Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for the 2021/22 term, by acclamation

Director M. Wagner assumed the Chair at 10:06am

The Chair thanked the Board for their continuing confidence, recognized the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Secwēpemc (Shuswap) territory and welcomed Alternate Director J. Ryll (Williams Lake) to today's meeting

Meeting Agenda approved
Minutes of the Cariboo RD Board meeting held October 22nd, 2021 were received/adopted, as revised

Delegations MOB was received


1) Development Services

a) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5338, 2021 (Area D/5131 Highway 97 North, Deep Creek area)

b) Following a Public Hearing, the Board gave 3rd Reading to Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5335, 2021 and Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5336, 2021 (Area A/3288 Red Bluff Rd)

c) The Board adopted  Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5329, 2021 and Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5330, 2021 (Area A/2099 Feldspar Avenue)

d) The Board agreed to submit an ALR Application for non-farm use (Removal of Soil), pertaining to District Lot 5092, Cariboo District, Except Plans A146, 20124 and 21309 with a recommendation that the Ag Land Commission approve said application (Area A/Highway 97 South - Alexandria)

e) The Board agreed to submit an ALR application for subdivision, pertaining to Part of the North West 1/4 of the North West 1/4, District Lot 6374, Cariboo District with a recommendation that the Ag Land Commission approve said application (Area F/3759 Spokin Lake Rd)

f) The Board agreed to submit an ALR Application for non-farm use (Removal of Soil), pertaining to Lot 1, District Lots 2953 and 2954, Lillooet District, Plan 29793 Except Plans 32585, 37271, KAP79216 and KAP84073 with a recommendation that the Ag Land Commission approve said application (Area H/4828 Canim-Hendrix Lake Rd)

g) The Board agreed to approve Temporary Use Permit #39-2021 in respect of allowing the subject land and buildings thereon to be used for retail sale of cannabis for property at 4842 Hamilton Road

2) Community Services

a) The Board agreed to submit a grant application from the Cariboo Regional District to the Northern Development Initiative, for $20,000 in funding from the Business Façade Improvement program to encourage private sector investment in local business improvements in the region

3) Finance

a) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of October 2021, in the amount of $1,879,582.19

b) The Board received a report of the CFO concerning a budget amendment to the 2021 Wildwood Sewer System budget to use reserve funds to cover the cost of Injunctive Relief works performed at the Ward property and authorized an amount of $12,109 being transferred from reserves within the Wildwood Sewer System service to cover the costs of those works

c) The Board received a report of the CFO concerning the 2021 Cariboo Regional District Third Quarter Financial Reports

4) Administration

a) The Board authorized an amendment to the 2022 Meeting Calendar wherein an additional Finance/Budget Committee meeting be scheduled on December 8, 2022, at 1:00 pm

b) The Board received a report of the Deputy Corporate Officer reporting the results of Special Voting conducted on November 3, 2021, which resulted in endorsement of the following resolution:

That the Cariboo Regional District Board forward a letter to City of Williams Lake Council requesting that, in light of recent events, Council consider rescinding Mayor Cobb’s appointment as the City’s representative on the Cariboo Regional District Board and appointing a City of Williams Lake Councillor in his place.

c) The Board received the "Consent Calendar" as of November 19th, 2021

d) The Board received a letter from the Honourable Bruce Ralston, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, dated October 26, 2021, regarding the meeting during the UBCM Convention to discuss the Regional District's request for three-phase power to Wells and that the Regional District issue a press release opposing BC Hydro's approach and request that municipalities in the Regional District be requested to support our position and that the Regional District of Fraser Fort George and City of Prince George also be requested to endorse the press release as well...  

Meeting recessed at 10:57am to CCRHD Board

Meeting resumed at 11:30am

e) Late Item -- the Board agreed to waive its' Policy on mass carcass disposal if the import of such waste from other regional districts in the Province of BC is necessary due to the flooding in the Lower Mainland earlier this week, up to the limit allowed in the CRD permit with Gibraltar Mines 

5) Committee/Commission Minutes and Recommendations

a) Meeting Minutes of the following Regional District Committees or Commissions were received:

 North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus  - October 12, 2021

*   North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee - October 12, 2021

*  South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - October 14, 2021

South Cariboo Joint Committee Minutes - October 14, 2021

Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - October 27, 2021

Central Cariboo Joint Committee - October 27, 2021

* Committee of the Whole - October 21st, 2021

* Finance/Budget Committee - October 21st, 2021

* North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - November 9, 2021

b) Recommendations from the above-noted meetings were endorsed, as follows:

 North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus  - October 12, 2021 --- Request from the Agricultural Development Advisory Committee for Additional Funding Support and Agricultural Development Advisory Committee - Rescind Appointment; 

Central Cariboo Joint Committee - October 27, 2021 ---- Fee for Service Agreement Renewal - Williams Lake Cycling Club; Fee for Service Agreement Renewal - Scout Island Trails and Esler Sports Complex - Field Maintenance Contribution Agreement Renewals

* Finance/Budget Committee - October 21st, 2021 --- Emergency Programs & Disaster Resilience - New Positions

Meeting recessed for lunch at 11:55am

Meeting resumed at 12:35pm

6) Corporate Bylaws

a) Lac La Hache Fire Protection Service Area Expansion Bylaw No. 5351, 2021 was given first, second and third readings

b)  Cariboo Regional District Bouchie Lake Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5353, 2021 was given first, second and third readings

c)  Agricultural Development Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 5354, 2021 was given 3 Readings/Adoption

d) Cariboo Regional District South Cariboo Landfill Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 5355, 2021 was given 3 Readings/Adoption

7) Directors' Requests

a) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area "D") -- Up to $1,600 from the Area "D" Director Initiative Fund was authorized for him to attend the 2022 BC Natural Resources Forum in Prince George from Jan 16-18, 2022

Director Forseth declared a conflict on the next item as he works directly with one of the appointees and left the meeting at 12:55pm

b) Appointments to Connectivity Committee

Director Forseth returned to the meeting at 12:57pm

The Board received the report of the Chair as of November 19th

Directors' reported on their recent activities in their Electoral Area or Municipality 

At 1:17pm -- the Board recessed its' Open Meeting to commence its' Closed (In-Camera) Board Meeting under the provisions of Section 90(1a - appointment) of the Community Charter

At 2:46pm -- the Board resumed its' Open Meeting 

Corporate Bylaws, cont:

1) Cariboo Regional District Procedure Bylaw No. 5350, 2021 was given 3 Readings/Adoption

The Board adjourned at 3:12pm

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