Thursday, November 4, 2021

City of Williams Lake to have new rep on #CaribooRD Board

Yesterday and today -- the Cariboo Regional District Board voted and ultimately approved a Special Resolution requesting the City of Williams Lake Council to revisit their representative to the Cariboo RD Board however that will not now go forward as Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb has decided to step aside as the City of Williams Lake representative to the Cariboo Regional District Board -- Cariboo RD Board Chair Margo Wagner reviews the details with My Cariboo Now here 

It will be up to Williams Lake City Council to appoint one of their 6 Councillors to be the Director of Williams Lake on the Cariboo Regional District as per Section 198 of the Local Government Act for the remainder of the 2018-2022 term

I personally wish to thank Mayor Cobb for his 3 years on the Cariboo RD Board and we all look forward to welcome the City of Williams Lake's new rep to the Regional District Board at our meetings of November 18/19th, 2021

Walt Cobb remains Mayor of the City of Williams Lake until the conclusion of the October 15th, 2022 City of Williams Lake Local General Election 


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