Tuesday, November 9, 2021

COVID Pandemic Impact Survey Launched by Social Planning Council/City of Williams Lake

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The Social Planning Council of Williams Lake and Area and the Community Well-being and Safety Plan Initiative sponsored by the City of Williams Lake have partnered to gather input on the impacts of the pandemic on citizens of Williams Lake and the surrounding areas that use Williams Lake as a services and business centre.

The focus of the survey is to better understand the impact on individuals and households in terms of how the pandemic has affected their income, housing stability, food security, and mental health and how needs for supports and services may have changed. “We’ve heard a lot anecdotally about how the pandemic is impacting our community and the survey is an attempt to gather a bit more detailed information,” says Anne Burrill, Executive Director of the Social Planning Council. Adds Silvia Seibert-Dubray, Community Well-being and Safety Plan Coordinator, “As we work together to strengthen resilience in our community and grow the Well-being and Safety Plan, it is very important to have data to better understand both the needs and the strengths in our region.”

The survey is online, completely anonymous and does not collect any identifying information. It is available online on both the City’s and Social Planning Council’s websites and social media platforms. Survey results will be shared back to the community and used to inform planning around community needs in the coming months and years.

The survey can be completed by following this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pandemic-impacts-WL.

About Social Planning Council of Williams Lake and Area

The Social Planning Council of Williams Lake focuses on enhancing, encouraging and supporting social and economic development that improves social well-being for residents in Williams Lake and area. It works in collaboration with partner organizations across the community to support and work toward a healthy quality of life for all those who live in and use the services available in our community. Website: www.wlspc.ca.

About the Community Well-being and Safety Plan for the Cariboo Chilcotin

The Community Well-being and Safety Plan was established in 2020 to work towards creating a paradigm shift in human services, away from siloed, reactionary measures and towards upstream, multi-sector collaborative initiatives. For information regarding the plan please visit the City of Williams Lake website: http://www.williamslake.ca/915/Well-Being-and-Safety.

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