Monday, November 8, 2021

LGLA 2022 Annual Leadership Forum

As a current holder of the LGLA/Local Government Leadership Academy's Level 2 Advanced Certificate in Local Government Leadership -- I strongly encourage all BC Local Government Elected Officials to attend the 2022 LGLA Annual Leadership Forum entitled "Leadership Under Pressure: Reflections on An Extraordinary Term as leaders in BC Local Government should take the MO of Constant Learning to best serve your constituents

On the Agenda:

* Keynote Address -- Dr. Bonnie Henry: BC's Provincial Health Officer

* Status of Indigenous Realities in British Columbia

* Economic Recovery post COVID-19 in Small and Large Communities

* Navigating Social Media Conversation in Terse Public Engagement Climate

* Impacts of Climate Change

* What did I learn this term (2018-2022) to make me a better leader?

* Updates from BC Liberals/BC Greens as well as from BC's Municipal Affairs Minister - Hon. Josie Osborne

The event will be in person and demonstration of full COVID-19 vaccination status will be required.  Full Agenda and other related information can be accessed here

After no in-person events for 2 years due to the COVID-19 Pandemic -- it will be good to re-connect with my fellow BC Local Government Elected Officials in-person!

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